HOME Bear River, NS Canoeing the Thelon "Down Under" From Mayflower to Milford Corner.htm Of Llynx and Moose.htm Our Cookbooks Some Famly History The Hunt Camp The Geological Years The Grampy Tapes Walking the Camino




Welcome to my Web Site!

This web site is under construction (probably always will be) and was last significantly updated on 01/10/23





This site was initially designed to provide access to items of interest (e.g., the Kwasnicia Klan Cookbook) to members of our extended family that might better be maintained for the future in electronic format rather than on paper. However, it suddenly became evident that it might provide an opportunity to post a number of other items that hide away on my hard drive and that may (or may not) be of interest to others. So here is what you will find:


  • Cookbooks:       

        i) A 1988 Kwasnicia family reunion volume featuring some of the best Ukrainian recipes in the Country

        ii) The post-1988 version of Riley Favorites


  • Family History:

        i) A summarized history of the eight generations of Timothy W. Riley's family in Eastern North America

        ii) The early history of Timothy's Cress in-laws - Nova Scotia, Massachusetts, Maine

        iii) The lines of the Mother - Seretha Dora Rice - Nova Scotia, Massachusetts

        iv) Some lines of the distaff side - Sonja Ann Boyko - Ukraine, Saskatchewan, Ontario westerly, Wisconsin


  • The Camino:

        i) The Journal - Notes of an 800 km walk across Northern Spain's Camino Frances in 2004

        ii) The Missives - A lighter look at the same experience via a series of e-mails sent to the home front

        iii) Arles2010 - Walking the Camino Arles in Southern France in 2010 between Montpellier and Toulouse


  • "Down Under": - Follow by e-mail a fall-2006 tour of eastern Australia and New Zealand


  • The Thelon:    - Canoeing one of Northern Canada's greatest rivers in the year when the caribou did not come


  • The Geological Years:    - Light hearted vignettes from a practicing geologist


  • From Mayflower to Milford Corner    - Tracing the connections of one Mayflower Passenger to Milford Corner, NS


  • The Grampy Tapes:    - A series of historical and tall tales presented by Alban "Gabby" Riley for kids of all ages


  • The Hunt Camp:  - A review of an annual whitetail deer hunting expedition 1997 - 2003, and beyond


  • Bear River, NS:

        i) Remembering the village - A good place to grow up

        ii) Tracing the students of Miss Morine's Grade 4/5 class of 1952 some 60 years after

        iii) Tracing students of Digby Regional High's 1959 Grade 11 graduating class 54 years later

        iv) What was the source of all that Bear River grey granite structural stone?

        v) Oakdene teachers

        vi) Some observations on Bear River's 1950s social strata

        vii) Notes on the Bear River Pulp Company pipeline

        viii) A piece of fiction from my 15-year-old self on lynx and moose


    RAR - 23/02/21
