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A Quick Summary on the Ancestors of Donald James Veal


of Dauphin, MB and Red Lake, ON


(From cursory research done via the internet during 2008)






Don Veal is the husband of my wife’s sister Olive, and as a result my brother-in-law by marriage. He and Olive were married in Red Lake, ON in 1958 and I have known him since 1961. Over the years I have come to know his mother, three sisters and their husbands, and a number of nieces and nephews. This project started as a result of my initiative to demonstrate to Don how effective the Internet was becoming as a platform from which to do genealogical research; as those involved in that process will understand, once started the project simply had to be pursued through to a conclusion.


Perhaps the greatest surprise in the process was discovering and being able to detail Don’s French Canadian roots. Via his French Canadian maternal grandmother Elizabeth Longeway he has family ties back to a Quebec City marriage in 1668 between Jean, a 32 year old French soldier, and Marie, an 18 year old from France, a “Girl of the King? who, along with some 770 other young French women, were specifically shipped to the Colony as prospective wives for its overabundance of single men. Don is a representative of the 10th generation of that family in Canada.


The second surprise in the project was discovering a connection out on the Canadian prairies to my hometown of Bear River, NS. Don’s mother’s oldest sister had married a Frederick Chute in Dauphin in 1914. I had spent my teenage years in a family home on Bear River’s ‘Chute Road'. When I saw the reference to Frederick I made the offhand remark to myself that he was probably from Bear River and then promptly forgot about him. The coincidence was remembered a week or so later and I decided to see if any connectivity between Frederick Chute and Bear River’s Chute road could be established. Within a half hour I had traced Frederick back to Southern Ontario, but more importantly his grandfather Samuel back to Bear River. 



Family Connection Possibilities in England Pre-1881:


The trail of relatives of Donald James Veal of Dauphin, MB and, for most of the last part of the 20th century, Red Lake, ON can be traced over time with some assurance to the England census of 1881 and the family of James and Elizabeth Veal of St Clement Danes, London. The record prior to that census, with one exception, is somewhat tenuous. 


The exception is the record of marriage of the couple listed in the England & Wales Marriage Index: 1837-1983 wherein the marriages of one James Veall and one Elizabeth Mary Courtenay were registered in the Holborn District of London, Middlesex, in the 2nd quarter (Apr-May-Jun) of 1871. This index does not record actual partners but the coincidence of these two registrations here (out of a total of four for the quarter) makes it a most likely partnering. The Courtenay last name of Elizabeth rationalizes the use of the same name as the given name of one son and one grandson.   


The 1881 census also gives James birthplace as Northamptonshire, a county situated about 80 miles north-northwest of London. However, no readily suitable candidates with this birth place have emanated from the 1871 to 1851 census, nor have any appeared via the England & Wales Birth Index: 1837-1983.


There is a birth record for Elizabeth Mary Courtenay for West London in the 2nd quarter (Apr-May-June) of 1841 which could well represent the eventual wife of James Veall of 1881. There are a number of possible candidates for a London-based Elizabeth Courtney in the 1871, 1861, and 1851 census but there is as yet no clear way to distinguish the desired individual.



Detail from the 1881 Census:


The James Veal family made its first definitive appearance in the 1881 census where James (Veall), a smith’s laborer, is listed as 32 (b c1849) and reported to have been born in Northamptonshire, England. James was married to Elizabeth (likely Courtenay) whose age is listed as 36 (b c1845) and whose birthplace was listed as the “City of London".


Children in the family at the time of the 1881 census included Elizabeth A (or B?), 9 (b c1872), born in Bermondsey, Middlesex, England; Charles F,  6 (b c1875), born in Bermondsey, Middlesex, England; Alice M, 4 (b c1877), born in  Bermondsey, Middlesex, England; Courtney, 12 months, (b 1880), born in St. Mary’s, Middlesex, England.


There are two potential records in the Birth Index: 1837-1983 for daughter Elizabeth Veall’s ’s birth: i) Elizabeth Veal registered in the 2nd quarter (Apr-May-Jun) of 1870 in Bethnal Green District, Greater London, Middlesex or ii) Elizabeth Ann Veal registered in the District of Kingston, Middlesex/Surrey in the 3rd quarter (Jul-Aug-Sept) of 1871. The birth year would suggest the latter to be the more likely candidate.


There are two potential records in the Birth Index: 1837-1983 for Charles F[rederick] Veall: i) Frederick Charles Veale registered in Mile End Old Town District in London, Middlesex in 1873, or, more likely, ii) Frederick Charles Veall, registered in the 1st quarter of 1875 (Jan-Feb-Mar) in the Strand District of London, Middlesex County.


Alice Maud Veall’s birth was registered in the District of St. Giles in London in Middlesex County in the first quarter (Jan-Feb-Mar) of 1877.


Courtney Veall’s birth was recorded in the Birth Index: 1838-1983 in the 2nd quarter (Apr-May-Jun) of 1879 in St. Giles District of London, Middlesex County. 


At the time of the census (April 3, 1881) the family was living at 2 Windsor Court, in the civil parish of St. Clements Danes, in London, Middlesex, England.  



Detail from the 1891 Census:


In 1891 at the time of the census (April 5) the Veal family was living St Olave Southwark , in the civil parish of Rotherhithe, in London. At this time James occupation was listed as “shop general dealer?


James age was given as 48 (b c1843); Elizabeth’s as 45 (b c1846); Fred[erick],  (and the Charles F of 1881), a 21 year old general laborer (b c1870); Alice Maud as 17 (b c1874); and Courtenay as 12, (b c1879) and at school; and newcomer to the family, daughter Posey, is listed as 4 (b c1887). The birthplace of all the family members is given simply as London.   


Daughter Elizabeth was no longer recorded as living with the family; there is no clear record of her death in the Death Index: 1837-1983. It is likely she was removed from the family by marriage, of which the Marriage Index: 1837-1983 would offer several reasonable but non-definitive candidates. 



The Courtenay Veal - Mary Ann Haley Marriage:


Son Courtenay Veal, 17, married Mary Ann Haley, 16, in London’s St. Saviour Southwark District, Surrey, in the 4th quarter (Oct-Nov-Dec) of 1896.


In 1891 Mary Ann Haley was listed as an 11 year old (b c1880), born ?, Barkley Town, living with her parents Daniel (40), a dock laborer, born Bermondsey, London, and Mary Ann (37), born Gernsey, Channel Islands, and brothers Patrick (9) and Daniel (6) (b c1885), both born Glonwatch, in Bermondsey District in London.



Detail from the 1901 British Census:


By 1901 the family appears to have collapsed as a single unit. There is a London-born Elizabeth Veal, 56, (b c1845), living London in St. Saviour Southwark in the civil parish of Newington and working as a machinist in an umbrella factory. Listed with her is one Grace Veal, 14, (b c1887) whose birthplace is given as Southwark. It is likely that this is mother Elizabeth and daughter “Posey” of 1891.  James has either died in the intervening decade or has left the family. A suitable candidate for James has not yet emerged from the England & Wales Death Index: 1837-1983 over the 40 year period 1891-1930.


Mother Elizabeth Veal died at 70 in Camberwell in March of 1915. In June of 1912 Grace Veal married George E Harman in Southwark.


Alice Maud appears to have married in 1896 in St. Saviour Southwark one Charles Maxworthy, general laborer, and is listed in the 1901 census as a 25 year old (b c1876) mother of 3 year old Charles, 2 year old Louisa, and 10 month old Henri and  living Greenwich, London.


There are two candidates in the 1901 census for Frederick Charles Veal: i) Frederick Veale, 29 (b c1872 in London), living Mile End Old Town District in London, a brewer’s traveler, married to 31 year old Ada (Harrod) Veal (born Lybec, Wadhurst) married in the 1st quarter of 1898 (Jan-Feb-Mar) in Lewisham, Greater London, Kent County, with a three year old daughter Ada (born London Mile End); and less likely ii) Frederick William Veal, 30, (b c1871 in Bath Green, London), living in the Hackney District London (married in 1892 in Hackney) to 27 year old Sarah (Seager) Veal (born Hackney, London) with a 3 year old daughter Sarah (born Hackney London). 


A viable candidate for Courtney Veal has not yet been located in the 1901 census.


Courtney Veal senior is reported to have been a boxer (bantamweight) in his youth in London. Grandson Don Veal retains a photograph of Courtney Senior in boxing trunks and in a boxing pose. To date the Internet has not given up any secrets it may contain on Courtney’s boxing career.



Information from the England & Wales Birth Index: 1837-1983:


The England & Wales Birth Index: 1837-1983 provides for the registration of the birth of one Courtenay Veal [Junior] in Camberwell, in London, Surrey, in the first quarter (Jan-Feb-Mar) of 1901. There is no surety that these two records are of the same individual even though the name of Courtney Veal appears to be exceedingly rare in London records.


The same birth index provides for two candidates for the birth of James Veal, son of Courtney Senior: i) James Veal whose birth was registered in the 4th quarter (Oct-Nov-Dec) of 1902 in Poplar District Greater London, Middlesex, the most likely candidate, and ii) Edward James Veal, whose birth was registered in Hackney, Greater London, Middlesex, in the 2nd quarter (Apr-May-June) of 1904. 


That same birth index provides for the registration of the birth of one Frederick Thomas Veal in the 3rd quarter (July-Aug-Sep) of 1895 in the District of St George in the East in London, Middlesex.



Detail from the 1911 Census of Canada:


The Courtenay Veal family arrived in Canada at Montreal on the Southwark out of Liverpool on June 23, 1907. The ship’s passenger lists show the immigrating family to consist of Courtenay, 30, Mary 29, Courteney 6, James 4, and Frederick 1. Courtenay’s stated profession was ‘tin plate tinker’.


In the 1911 census of Canada we find Courtney Veal’s family living in Lovering Park, in Dauphin, Manitoba. However, for some unknown reason the family is listed under the surname Elbert (could it be that Courtney’s middle name was Albert and the census taker simply missed the shorter surname Veal? This approach does not appear to work when traced back to 1901 England census!).


In 1911 the Veal family consisted of Courtney, 32 (b April 1879); Mary Ann, 34 (b March 1877); Courtney, 10 (b April 1900); James, 8 (b Nov 1902); Fredrick, 5 (b March 1906); all born England; and Bessie, 3 (b June 1907); and Maud, 5 months (b Jan 1911); the latter two born Manitoba.


Courtney Sr. was a “wash-out man” at the CNR roundhouse; the Veal family immigrated to Canada in 1907; they followed the Anglican religious persuasion.



WWI Canadian Expeditionary Force Records and Saskatchewan:


Courtney Jr. enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force On March 22, 1916; those records gave his birth date as January 21, 1900. At that time he was living in Hudson Bay Junction, Saskatchewan and he gave his occupation as “porter" (ostensibly on the railway). He was unmarried. He gave his next of kin as Courtney Veal, father, of Hudson Bay Junction, SK. He appears to have been assigned to the 184th Overseas Battalion via transfer from the 107th Battalion.


Daniel Haley, brother of Mary Ann (Haley) Veal and uncle of Courtney Veal Jr. had enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force on March 18, 1916 (3 days earlier) in Winnipeg, MB; those records gave his birth date as Aug 15, 1885. At that time he gave his address as Hudson Bay Junction, MB, his birthplace as Bermondsey, England, and his occupation as farmer. He indicated he was unmarried. He gave his next of kin as Mrs. Mary Ann Veal, sister, of Hudson Bay Junction. He appears to have been assigned to the 184th Overseas Battalion and his regimental number was given as 874876.


It appears that Courtney Veal Senior homesteaded a quarter-section immediate to the community of Hudson Bay Junction. Saskatchewan homestead records assign the NW part of Section 21, in Township 45, Range 3 to one Courtney Veal and since Courtney Sr. is known to have been in the area in 1916 it is likely he who applied for the land.


Of interest is the fact that one Daniel Haley also held a quarter-section (the NE part of Section 28) in the same Township and Range. It appears he also took up a soldier's grant after WW1 designated the NW part of Section 32, in Township 43, Range 2. It appears that Daniel Haley applied for a third quarter section on the 3rd January 1930, which section being the SW quarter of Section 10 in Township 44, Range 3 west of the second meridian.


Daniel Haley lost a leg in WW1. He apparently eventually returned to Dauphin from Sask. He is reported to have played a mean banjo. Dan died in Winnipeg’s Deer Lodge c1950-1952 after a stroke. Vel Bowie remembers visiting him once when he was in his 60’s c1948.



The Veals of Dauphin, Manitoba


The Veal family in Dauphin c1918 consisted of:


The Parents - Courtney Sr. and Mary Anne (Haley) Veal:


·         Mary Anne (Haley) Veal is reported (in Manitoba Vital Statistics) as dying (of cancer) in Dauphin at age 45 on Feb 27, 1923. She apparently taught Irish dancing on stage at one point in her life.


·         Courtney Sr., described as a boiler maker in a history of the Hudson Bay Junction area, became disenchanted with the dual life of a railway employee and a homesteader and abandoned his Saskatchewan homestead and returned to Dauphin with the family to concentrate on railway employment. This likely occurred sometime around 1920.


·         Courtney Sr. played the concertina.


·         Courtney Sr. died when struck by a train in Dauphin. Apparently the practice was that the round house workers would often catch a ride for the two miles back to town on one of the local yard engines. Son Don Veal indicated that on the particular day he was killed Courtney jumped the yard engine cowcatcher for the ride back, fell asleep, and tumbled off the cowcatcher and under the engine. Sister Vel gave the details somewhat differently in that Courtney, somewhat tired, stepped off the yard engine and into the path of a passing train on the adjoining track.


 The collective children of the Veal family of Dauphin, MB appear to be as follows:


                        Courtney                                    b 1901

                        James                                        b 1902

                        Frederick                                     b 1906

                        Bessie (Elizabeth)                        b 1907

                        Maud                                          b 1911


                        James McQuigge "Mackie" (T)         b 1915

                        Herbert Kitchener (T)                    b 1915

                        Evelyn                                        b 1918

                        Percy                                          b 1921


o       The life of Courtney Veal is summarized in a separate section below.


o       James Veal appears to have spent most of his adult life in Dauphin where in 1952 he is said to have been running a pool room. He had apparently been shot in the arm at one point in time. He married Irene Kaley in Dauphin and had a son Tommy c1938 and a daughter June (Vel says Julie). June was a twin whose sister Joan was stillborn or died as infant. James died of heart failure as a 62 year old c1964.


o       Fred apparently got into the prospecting business and is reported to have spent some time in Thunder Bay. Fred was a marathon walker and supposedly a very good dancer and was known to have entered dance contests in the 1930’s. He is buried in Dauphin. Vel Bowie noted the death of a Veal in Winnipeg in early 2008 who was a ballroom dancer and wondered if it might be one of Fred’s sons about which the family knew nothing.


o       Bessie Veal married one ‘Shorty’ Russick, a Russian, in Flin Flon. Shorty ran a trading post north of Flin Flon at Pelican Narrows which he serviced via dog sled; apparently he also ran a trapline. During the 1920s and 1930s Shorty travelled the developing dog sled racing circuit across North America, winning the Flin Flon "World Championship" at least twice and the bronze medal at the 1932 Lake Placid Olympics where dog sledding was entered as a demonstration sport. The couple had two children - Billy who was eventually employed as a school principle in Winnipeg, and Larry who died at an early age. 


o       There is no immediate detail on Maud Veal.


o       Courtney’s brother Henry left home early and apparently took up prospecting, perhaps working NW Ontario in the 1920-1930 period. He eventually ended up in Alberta; nephew Don believes it was Camrose where he died in hospital. In two letters from his brother James in Herbert Kitchener's military file dated November 1946 and February 1947 James reported Henry to be resident in the Provincial Mental Hospital in Ponoka, AB. Nephew Don noted that after Henry died in the 1970-1990 period the Alberta Government Trustee traced down some of the family in the east and that he received $5000.00 from the estate.


o       Vel Bowie reports that Herbert Kitchener and "Mackie" (James McQuigge) Veal were twin brothers. Mackie was born on March 25, 1915 in a sleeper on a Canadian Northern railway car while his mother was on her way from Hudson Bay, SK to the hospital in Dauphin; Herbert was born a couple hours later in hospital.

  •  Karen Pace found the following on the Internet in 2016, newspaper unknown:  1915 Mar 25 - Baby Born on Train:

    An event occurred on the train from Prince Albert on Saturday morning last which caused quite a commotion among passengers. Mrs. Courtney Veal, who took passage at Hudson's Bay Junction for the purpose of coming to Dauphin to enter the hospital, gave birth to a male child in the vicinity of Sifton, and some fifteen miles from Dauphin. Mrs. Veal was occupying a berth in a sleeper at the time. There was only one other woman, a Mrs. McVoy, on the train at the time, and her services were quickly requisitioned by Conductor James McQuigge, and everything possible done to make mother and baby comfortable. A rush telegram was dispatched to Dauphin for a doctor and nurse. When the train arrived Dr. Bottomley and a nurse from the hospital with the ambulance, were waiting and the mother and child taken to the hospital. Forty-five minutes after Mrs. Veal entered the hospital door she gave birth to another boy. Supt. Inwin and the officials of the Canadian Northern are naturally quite proud of the part of the road played in this important event, and while they are not willing to admit they are in favour of adding a maternity department to their already unexcelled service, they say it might be a possibility in the future. Mr. Veal, who accompanied his wife to Dauphin, speaks highly of the service rendered by Conductor McQuigge in the emergency, and as a mark of gratitude will name one of the babies after him. The two babies are to be named Herbert Kitchener Veal [and] James McQuigge Veal. At latest accounts the mother and the babies are doing well.     

·         Mackie Veal is reported to have died at age 3 by drowning on August 18, 1918 after falling down a well behind the house. 

·         Herbert Veal joined the military and went overseas in 1942 and was killed in 1945 near the end of the war and is buried in Holland. He apparently took his grade 9 in Flin Flon while he lived with sister Bessie.  

Name: H K Veal
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1915
Birth Place: Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada
Residence: Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada
Death Date: 19 Oct 1945
Service number: H100961
Force: Army
Regiment: Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Rank: Craftsman
Next of Kin: Courtney Veal


o       Evelyn Veal died in Dauphin at age 2 on July 1, 1920.


o       Percy Veal died from an accidental shooting with a .22 on October 5, 1929 while he was playing with a friend. He was 8 years of age.   



The Mather Connection:


The 1906 Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta (July 27) provides for a record for the family of Adam (40) and Elizabeth (35) Mather and children Louise (13), Mary (12), Phoebe (10), and Dorothy (7), all of whom are listed as having been born in Quebec, and daughters Bessie (6) and Josephine (4) who are reported to have been born in Manitoba.


The family was located in the Dauphin District, in sub-district 14b, described in more detail as Townships 23, 24 in Ranges 17, 18, 19, 20 West.


The above dates would suggest the family probably moved to Manitoba in 1899-1900.


This family is of interest in that Courtney Veal Junior eventually married the youngest Mather daughter, Josephine.


The 1901 census shows the family living in the Marquette District of Manitoba in the Dauphin sub-district. In this file Adam, noted to be of Scottish ethnic background, is listed as 40 and born August 12, 1860; his wife is listed as Mary E, of French ethnic background, 34, and born Jan 10, 1867;  daughter Louisa, 8, was born on Nov 12, 1892; daughter Ada M, 7, is given a birth date of May 25, 1893; daughter Margaret P, 5, is listed with a birth date of March 11, 1896; the birth date of daughter Dotty L. J., 2, is given as Sept 22, 1898, and daughter Bessy H. I. is shown as born on July 12, 1890 and is listed as 11 but in reality she was born in Manitoba and was at the time of the census 11 months old.


In this file Adam is shown as born in Quebec, Mary E and all the girls but Bessy in Ontario, and Bessy in Manitoba. The family is all noted to be of the Protestant persuasion. Adam is recorded as a farm laborer.


In 1911 the family was recorded in Section 24, Township 26, Range 20, in the Dauphin District of Manitoba under the transcribed name of Mathans. (The complete file is poorly transcribed!!) Farmer Adam is listed as a 50 year old, of Scottish extraction, born in August of 1861 in Ontario; wife Mary Elizabeth is recorded as 43, of French extraction and born January ?; 18 year old daughter Louise is listed as born in Ontario in November 1892; 17 year old daughter Addie May is listed as born in Ontario in May of 1894; 15 year old Margaret Fay is listed as Ontario born in March of 1896; 12 year old Dotty ? is listed as born in Ontario in September of 1899; Bessie Katy Jane was noted to be 10 years old and born in Manitoba in July 1901; and 8 year old Mary Josephine is listed as having been born in Manitoba in April of ? The family is noted to be of the Presbyterian persuasion 


Manitoba Vital Statistics record the death of a one year old Florence Gertrude Mather in Dauphin on March 26, 1915 but her presence in the family, while likely, is uncertain.


Louise Mather married Frederick Chute in Dauphin on November 12, 1914; Margaret Phoebe Mather married Joseph Villeneuve in Winnipeg on April 5, 1916; and Bessie Irene Mather married Thomas Bradley in Dauphin on December 1, 1921.


Addie/Eda “May” Mather married US-born Lovless Ernest Winters in Dauphin, Manitoba on June 21, 1916. An Ernest Winters, born on Dec 3, 1877, died in Dauphin, MB on Sept 18, 1936.  Apparently May subsequently married Ernest’s brother but the data is not available. May had an illegitimate son Stanley O Mather prior to her marriage; the son was raised by mother Elizabeth. Stan served in the military during WWII. He spent most of his adult life in the Vancouver area where he worked in the transportation industry; he died c2000.  


According to Vel Bowie Phoebe and Joe Villeneuve lived in Thunder Bay at one point but returned to Dauphin to look after sister Dorothy Veal when mother Elizabeth died. Dorothy was unable to speak yet was hearing proficient. She apparently did exceptional crochet work prized throughout the District.


Adam Mather is later recorded as having homesteaded the NW part of Section 23, in Township 60, Range 17, in the Meadow Lake area to the northeast of Lloydminster, SK. He apparently lived a pretty sparse life there. A visit by one of the daughters (Bessie?) reported his house to have had a dirt floor.


Confirming detail on the Saskatchewan homestead parcels and associated individuals could be obtained via an inquiry to the Saskatchewan Archives Board.  


Don Veal indicates that Adam’s wife Elizabeth and children did not move to Meadow Lake with Adam but moved into Dauphin from nearby Valley River instead; Elizabeth ran a boarding house in Dauphin. Adam apparently died in the Meadow Lake area.



Some More Recent Manitoba Records:


A review of available (limited in time) on-line vital statistics from the Province of Manitoba provide the following records:


 Deaths:       (70 years+)   

            Veal: Evelin, age 2, died 01.07.1920, Dauphin

                    Veal: James McQuigg, age 3, died 18.08.1918, Dauphin

                    Veal: Percy, age 8, died 05.10.1929, Dauphin

                    Veal: Courtney, age 52, died 08.12.1931, Dauphin

                    Veal: John, age 1, died 26.05.1934, Dauphin

                    Veal: Mary Anne, age 45, died 27.02.1923, Dauphin

                    Mather: Florence Gertrude, age 1, died 26.03.1915, Dauphin


 Marriages:   (80 years+)   

          Mather: Bessie Irene, to Thomas Bradley, 01.12.1921, Dauphin

          Mather: Louise, to Frederick Chute, 12.11.1914, Dauphin

                   Mather: Margaret Phoebe, to Joseph Villeneuve, 05.04.1916, Winnipeg

                   Mather: Eda "May", to Lovless Ernest Winters, 21.06.1916, Dauphin


 Births:       (100 years+)  


                  Mather: Bessie Katie, born 14.07.1900, Dauphin

          Mather: Mary Josephine, born 14.04.1902, Dauphin



The Mathers in Ontario:


A follow-up on the Ontario and Quebec birth locations for Adam Mather family members as shown in the 1901 census led to a search of Ontario and Quebec records for more detail.


Adam Mather is shown in the 1891 census as a 27 year old saw mill laborer boarding with the John Finton (?) family in Kippell area of north Grey County, Ontario. 


A marriage record for Adam Mather and Elizabeth Longeway in Ontario, Canada Marriages: 1857-1924 indicates that the couple, respectively 28 (b c1863) and 24 (b c1867) years of age, was married in the community of Mitchell, Perth County, ON, on November 3, 1891. The records list Adam’s residence as Wiarton, ON, on the Bruce Peninsula and his birthplace as Valcartier, Quebec. Elizabeth’s place of Birth and residence at the time of marriage were listed as Logan Township, ON, which is in Perth County.


Adam’s profession is given in the record as “Engineer”and his religion as Presbyterian; Elizabeth is noted to be a “Romanist” or Roman Catholic. Adam’s parents are listed as John and Margaret Mather; Elizabeth’s parents as Mary and Louis Longeway of Logan, ON.   


Four of the Mather daughters were born in Ontario as follows:


o       Louise Mather, was born on Nov 12, 1892 to Adam Mather, engineer, and Elizabeth Loungay Mather in Bruce County; the birth was registered in Wiarton, ON.


o       Eda May Mather was born on May 25, 1894 to Adam Mather, laborer, and Elizabeth Lougways in Bruce County; the birth was registered in Wiarton.


o       Margaret Phoebe Mather was born on May 11, 1896 to Adam Mather, farmer, and Mary Elizabeth Alangway in Muskoka District; the birth was registered in Huntsville where Adam, a farmer, was resident at the time.


o       Dottie Lucy Mather was born in Muskoka District on September 22, 1898 to Adam Mather and Mary E Lounguay; the birth was registered in Muskoka District.


The above information places the family in the Wiarton area from at least mid-1891 until c1895 when Adam relocated them to the Huntsville area. Bessie’s birth in Manitoba by mid-1900 signifies that they had made the move west prior to that time.


Mother Elizabeth’s likely pre-1869 birth does not appear to be recorded in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1909 file.



The Perth County Longeway Family:


Elizabeth Mather is listed in the 1881 census as a 16 year old (b c1865) in the household of Quebec-born farmer Louis (43, b c1838) and Marey (40, b c1841) Longueway in Logan, ON. Also within the family are sisters Frezin (20, b c1861) and Flevan (19, b c1962), and brothers Louis (12, b c1869) and Joseph (10, b c1871), and finally sister Margaret L. (7, b c1874). Louis and Joseph are noted to be in school. The family was of the Roman Catholic religious persuasion. Margaret’s birth record lists her mother’s last name as Dishau.


Other apparent siblings listed in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1909 records include Peter (b May25, 1876, d Dec 25, 1880), Annie (b Apr 3, 1878, d May 7,1878), Thomas John (b Nov 6, 1879, d Jan 3, 1881), and Kate Louisa (b Sep 3, 1882, d May 15, 1885). Sister Elizabeth was the informant listed on Kate’s death record. There is an inconsistency with the surname of the mother on these records which gets recorded respectively as Vassa, Dishon, Dishon, and Dathaw.  Many of these records list the family as living on Lot 16, concession 14, Logan Tp. (see below).


The 1871 Ontario census index lists as head of household in Logan Tp., Perth County, ON a Louis Lanngway b Quebec c1938; this is probably the father of Elizabeth who was the only adult Louis Langway (sp) in Logan Tp. in 1881.


The 1891 census shows the family as consisting of Louis, a 53 year old Quebec born farmer, Quebec born wife Mary, 50, and Ontario born children Elizabeth a 26 year old servant, Louis a 22 year old farmer, Joseph, a 20 year old farmer and Maggie a 17 year old with no stated occupation. The family is all of the Roman Catholic religious persuasion.


The 1901 census shows the Longeway family as follows: Family 37 - Louise Longeway, male, head, 63, b Oct 17, 1837; Mary Longeway, wife, 60, b Oct 8, 1840; Joseph Longeway, head, 30, b Jan 21, 1871; Mary, wife, 19, b May 29, 1881.


Louis and Mary Longeway were listed in the 1911 census for Logan Township as follows: Family 82 - Louice Longeway, head, 73, b Oct 1837; Mary Longeway, wife, 70, Oct 1840. Also listed as part of family 82 were the following: Josewph Longeway, son, 40, b Feb 1871; Mary, wife, 30, b May 1881; Eissey, daughter, 10, Nov 1901; Josie, daughter, 9, b Dec 1902; Patrick, son, 8, b Mar 1903; Loretta, daughter, 6, b Dec 1904; Mary, daughter, 5, b Mar 1906; Ellen, daughter, 3, b Mar 1908; Margaret, daughter, 2, b March 1909; Tressia, daughter, 8 mo, b Sept 1910. 


Elizabeth (Longeway) Mather’s father’s death is recorded in Logan Tp, Perth County as follows: Louis Longeway, farmer, died Dec 20, 1917, age 80; residence Lot 16, Concession 14, Logan Tp.; buried Mitchell; father - Louis  Longeway; maiden name of mother - Frezen; died of old age/heart failure; Informant - Joseph Longeway.


The Bergevin-Langevin-Longeway-Longeuay-Lashway family website has the following additional detail on Elizabeth’s father Louis: Louis (Longeway) Bergevin b Oct 22, 1837, Chateauguay, Quebec, d Dec 20, 1917, Kennicott, ON; Father –Louis (Longeway) Bergevin, mother-Euphrosine Giroux; married Mary Desjeans on June 3, 1860 in Stratford, St Joseph, ON.


The same website has the following information on Elizabeth’s mother Mary: Mary Desjeans, b Oct 8, 1840, Mercier, Quebec, d Mar 27, 1928, Kennicott ON; father Louis Desgens dit Mosseau, mother Flavie Beaudin.


The same website sets up the offspring of Louis and Mary as follows:


o       Longeway, Frezen Cecilia, m Joseph Dishaw, Oct 3, 1881, Kinkora, St.- Patrick’s, ON; Frezen b Feb 13, 1861 in Logan Tp., d July 19, 1945 in Pinconning, MI


o       Longeway, Flaviana (Phoebe), m James J Goka, Sept 24, 1884, Gagetown St. Agatha, MI; Flaviana b Apr 3, 1862, Logan Tp., d June 18, 1945, Gagetown, MI


o       Longeway, Mary b June 14, 1863, d 1863, both Logan Tp., Perth Co. ON


o       Longeway, Elizabeth, m Adam Mather; Elizabeth b Jan 10, 1865, Logan Tp., Perth Co., ON; d 1928-1952, Dauphin, MB


o       Longeway, Rosalie b Mar 2, 1867, d c1867, both Logan Tp., Perth Co.


o       Longeway, Louis L, m Mary F. McCarthy, c1898; Louis b Oct 20, 1868, Logan Tp., Perth Co., ON


o       Longeway, Joseph Ferdinand, m Mary J Decoursey, June 1, 1899, Logan Tp. Perth Co., ON; Joseph b Jan 27. 1871, Kennicott, ON, d Oct 13, 1952, Kennicott, ON


o       Longeway, Margaret Leonice, m Dennis Frances Costello, June 14, 1898, St. Bridget’s Catholic Church, Perth Co., ON; b Mar 12, 1874, Logan Tp., Perth Co., ON, d Sept 26, 1939, Detroit, MI


There is a Perth County record of a marriage of Logan residents Joseph Deshaw (24) and Frezen C Langevin, 20, in October of 1881. Given the roots of the name Longeway (see below) it is probable that in reality Frezen Langevin is Frezen Longeway, daughter of Louis and sister of Elizabeth, noted in the 1881 census; the age is correct and Frezen is a very rare first name, even in Quebec.


There is a record in the Canadian County Atlas Digital Project of one L. Longway occupying in 1879 two lots in Logan Tp., Perth Co. - Lot 16, Concession XIV of 25 acres and an adjacent 13 acre lot adjoining at the southwest corner described as Lot 17, Concession XIII. The first lot is consistent with the location of the family described in a number of the above records.


The North American surname Longeway, as well as Longeuay, Langevin, Lashway, Bergevin, and Bregevin are all believed to be descended from a French Soldier (Jean Bergevin) who arrived in Quebec from France in 1665. The Longeway name from there spread into Ontario and US Border States.  There was a notable population of Longeways in Massachusetts and Vermont stretching west through into Michigan in 1880.  Of interest, most of the actual Longeways in Quebec found in the Drouin Collection were located in the Eastern Townships and followed the Protestant faith.


Jean Bergevin appears to have been born in Angers, Anjou, France on March 11, 1635. He arrived in New France on August 17, 1665 at age 30 as a soldier in the Grandfontaine Company of the Carignan-Salliers Regiment, one of about 1200 members of this regiment who arrived in the late summer of 1665 and spent the next year or so engaged in protecting the forts in the Richelieu Valley from the Iroquois. At the end of his military service he elected to remain in New France.


On November 26, 1668 Jean Bergevin (32) married one Marie Piton (Pitau) (18) born in Paris. Marie was one of some 770 women recruited in France in the period 1663-1673, under a plan put in place by King Louis XIV, with the promise of a significant dowry, and who arrived in Quebec designed to become the wives of the many single men already in that colony. This group of women has come to be known collectively as “Les Filles du Roi” or “The Girls of the King” and have been described as the "Mothers of French Canada” due to the extensive ancestral lines they initiated.


After marriage the couple settled in Beauport, Quebec, just a few kilometers downstream from Quebec City, where they had 12 offspring, six of whom managed to survive into adulthood.


Jean Bergevin and Marie Piton are Don Veal’s grandparents eight times removed, making Don a representative of the 10th generation of that family in Canada.      



The Mathers in Quebec:


The Drouin Collection records a number of Mathers of Scottish extraction involved during the 1800s with the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Quebec City, including the citizens from the Valcartier area of Quebec to the north-northwest. There was a Church of Scotland in Valcartier with a number of associated Mathers. There were Mathers in Quebec City also associated with the Anglican Quebec Garrison Church, the Quebec Anglican Cathedral Holy Trinity, and the Québec City Wesleyan Methodist Church, and a number of Catholic churches. It has been noted that some individuals from Valcartier married at St. Andrews in Quebec City were subsequently buried via the Church of Scotland in Valcartier.


The Drouin Collection records the birth of a male, one Margaret Adam Mather, on August 19, 1861via the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church to John Mather, farmer, and Margaret Mather of Stoneham, Quebec, located north of Quebec City and not far from Valcartier.


The one available marriage record from the area involving a John Mather is a marriage to one Elizabeth Handlen, both of Quebec City, at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on Dec 3, 1821. The likelihood is that this is not the marriage of Adam Mather’s parents. 



The Courtney Veal/Josephine Mather Family of Dauphin, MB:


Family oral history indicates that Courtney Veal Junior’s involvement with the army in 1916 was short lived as his mother notified the authorities that he was under age (15/16 instead of the required 17) and he was summarily shipped back to Hudson Bay Junction.


Courtney Jr. was apparently a good singer. According to Vel her mother heard him singing on CBC radio from Saskatoon one night - the song was Alice Blue Gown, one of his favourites -  and identified him; she noted that he had to be drunk to sing in front of an audience.


It was inevitable that Courtney Jr., upon moving back to small town Dauphin, would run into Josephine Mather, whose mother had refused to pick up the family and follow husband and father Adam to Meadow Lake, SK. It appears that the couple married in the early 1920’s. The resulting family consisted of Elmer “Bud”, Evelyn, Phoebe, Lloyd, Velma, and Don.


Elmer “Bud" Veal was posted overseas during WW2 and returned with a medical condition and spent the period from c1944 to 1951 in the Veterans hospital in London, ON. Released from the hospital Elmer made his way to Sudbury where he worked for INCO for several years. He apparently married in Sudbury in 1952 to a French Canadian Margaret Viau.  The couple had one son Kenny, born in Sudbury, married to Cathy ? with an adopted son Jason; Kenny died in 2015. Elmer eventually returned to the Veterans hospital in London where he died in 1991. His death notice was in the Legion’s Last Post column in the March/April 1998 issue which reported his location as Kincardine, ON. Elmer’s wife Margaret died in Sudbury in 2007.


VEAL, Margaret (Viau) - In loving memory of Margaret (Viau) Veal, 81 years, passed away Friday, October 12th, 2007 at Extendicare Falconbridge. Beloved wife of Elmer “Bud“ Veal predeceased 1991. Loving mother of Kenneth (wife Kathleen) of Chelmsford. Cherished grandmother of Jason of North Bay and great-grandchild Isabel. Predeceased by her parents George and Mary Viau, sisters Evelyn and Theresa and brothers George and Albert. Private Family Visitation will be held at the Lougheed Funeral Home, 252 Regent St., Sudbury, Saturday, October 13th, 2007. Cremation at the Park Lawn Crematorium.


In Loving Memory of Kenneth George Veal 62 Years who passed away at Health Sciences North on December 3rd, 2015. Beloved husband for over 35 years of Kathleen Veal (nee Warren). Loving father of Jason Veal. Treasured grandfather of Izabelle and Tanner (predeceased). Dear son of Elmer and Margaret Veal (both predeceased). Will be deeply missed by his canine companion Princess. Kenneth will be sadly missed by many cousins and friends. Kenneth loved fishing, camping, gardening, photography and spending time on the computer. He enjoyed spending time on the patio, barbecuing and ski-dooing. Funeral Visitation in the Lougheed Funeral Home 252 Regent Street at Hazel Street, Sudbury Friday, December 18th, 2015 from 2-4 only. Cremation at the Park Lawn Crematorium. Donations to the Sudbury SPCA would be appreciated.


Evelyn was born in Dauphin in 1923 some 11 months after Elmer. She early left home for Toronto following airman Lynn Jackson, who had been training in the Dauphin area, where she awaited his return from overseas. The couple adopted a son David in the 1950’s who also served with and eventually retired from the RCAF and continued to live in the Ottawa area. They eventually divorced after 28 years of marriage. Evelyn subsequently went through a second short term marriage, and then married for the third time one Roy Fleming. That couple eventually left the city of Toronto, where Evelyn had been employed by Imperial Oil, for Halliburton where the marriage dissolved. In 2008 Evelyn was living in the Ottawa area; by 2012 she and son David were living in Mexico. Evelyn passed away in Mexico in mid-2016; her ashes were interred next to her mother in Riverview Cemetery, Thunder Bay in early August 2016.


Phoebe was born two years after Evelyn. Phoebe married Hillier Reich who had been born in Saskatchewan and who had moved to Dauphin with his blacksmith father. Hillier served in the army during WW2. The couple later moved to Thunder Bay, ON where they raised children Doug and Judy in that community.


o       At one point early in life Phoebe lived with her aunt Phoebe (Mather) Villeneuve who had lost a child at an early age. The aunt developed a strong attraction to the little girl and desired to adopt her but that did not occur.


o       At one point young Phoebe could not understand why her Grandfather Adam would not give her a bit of his ‘chocolate bar' while they were in transit somewhere on a wagon. After they arrived home she sneaked a bite of Grandpa's ‘bar' from his room. The result was that on that day she swore off chewing tobacco forever.


REICH- Mrs. Phoebe Reich age 85 years, a resident of Thunder Bay passed away on Monday, August 2nd, 2010 at the T.B.R.H.S.C. Phoebe was born in Dauphin, Manitoba on January 25, 1925. In 1946 she met her future husband Hilbert Reich and they were married on March 8th, 1947. Later that year they moved to Port Arthur to start their new life together. Phoebe worked at Franci's Drugstore for three years upon her arrival, she later worked for Helpers Furiers for eleven years and the Timothy Eaton Co. until her retirement. She was a dedicated Blue Jays fan and enjoyed spending time with her family. Phoebe will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed by her husband Hilbert, son Douglas (Valerie), daughter Judy, grandchildren Hailey and Courtney, sisters: Evelyn Fleming and Velma (Art) Bowie, and brother Don Veal (Olive) as well as by her nieces, nephews and other relatives. She was predeceased by her brothers Elmer Veal and Lloyd Veal. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 1:00 pm in the Chapel of the Sargent & Son Funeral Home, 21 N. Court Street with Rev. Ross Tompkins presiding. A private interment will be held at a later date. Memorial donations to the Northern Cancer Fund would be appreciated. On-line condolences may be made at www.sargentandson.com.


Lloyd was born in 1927 and he moved to Thunder Bay, ON at age 14 with the idea of joining the Navy. He apparently signed on but he was not shipped out due to being underage and the war essentially came to an end before he became 17 and available for active duty. Lloyd married Audrey and raised seven children in Thunder Bay: Lorraine (Kenny Hakala), Jimmie (Lorna Porter) d Sept 25/07, Marjie (Eddie Backen), Gloria (Ed Myllyaho), Karen (Donny Korpela), Gary (Barbra Harrison) d Apr 17, 2016, age 58, and Elaine (Donnie Koski).


Veal - Mr. James "Jim" Veal Sr. , age 54 years, a resident of Kakabeka Falls passed away peacefully at his home on Monday, September 25, 2007. Jim was born in Port Arthur and had resided in Stanley for the last 29 years. A member of the Local #397 Sheet Metal Workers, Jim's profession provided him the opportunity to work in many different places across Canada. He enjoyed the travel and new challenges that these jobs brought with them and he especially cherished the many long lasting friendships that developed as a result. Jim enjoyed the water, whether it be the time spent at Silver Lake or sailing on Lake Superior. Jim was happiest spending time with his family and friends, and truly loved his role as a grandfather a.k.a. "Boogaloo" to his granddaughter Kaylea and was looking forward to the birth of his new grandson in November. He will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed by his wife Lorna, son Jim (Chrissy), daughter Jenny, granddaughter Kaylea, sisters Lorraine Hakala (Ken), Marjie Backen (Eddy), Gloria Myllyaho (Ed), Karen Korpela (Donny) and Elaine Koski (Donny), brother Gary Veal (Barbara), mother-in-law and father-in-law Gertie and Jack Porter, dear friends Les and Debbie Fairall as well as by numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. He was predeceased by his father Lloyd Veal and mother Audrey Veal. A gathering to celebrate Jim's life will be held on Saturday, September 29th from 2 - 4 p.m. in the Sargent Family Reception Centre, 35 N. Court Street. As expressions of sympathy memorials to the Northern Cancer Research Foundation would be appreciated. On-line condolences may be made at www.sargentandson.com -


Veal - It is with great sadness that the family of Gary Ronald Veal announces his passing on Sunday, April 17, 2016, at the age of 58 years. Gary passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family. Gary lived life to the fullest. He was very sociable and loved to share time with his family and friends. He was a welder by trade, a great handyman, and he enjoyed working on vehicles. He had a knack for carpentry and helped build many family homes. Gary took great pride in knowing any job he tackled was well done. Gary will be deeply missed and always remembered by his wife Barb, son Matthew (Tiana), daughter Laura and his faithful companion, Lightning. He is also survived by his sisters Lorraine (Ken) Hakala, Marjie (Eddy) Backen, Gloria (Ed) Myllyaho, Karen (Donny) Korpela, and Elaine (Donnie) Koski, as well as sisters-in-law Lorna Veal;, Debbi (John) Hill, Victoria, B.C., and Elaine (Tom) Withnell, Edgerton, Alberta, and many nieces, nephews and other relatives. Gary was predeceased by his parents Lloyd and Audrey Veal, his brother Jim, and in-laws Warwick and Lilian Harrison. A memorial service for Gary will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel of Harbourview Funeral Centre presided by Rev. Gordon Holroyd. A reception in the Harbourview Reception Centre will follow. Interment will take place at a later date. Visitation for family and friends will be held one hour prior to the service. 


Velma “Vel” was b 1932 and at 14 left home for Winnipeg where she married Dauphin-born Art Bowie when she was 15. Art initially worked for one of the two Dauphin dairies and then went to Winnipeg, working first for Canada Packers for a couple years before getting on with the CPR where he spent the rest of his working career. The couple added two children - Cam (Allison) and Corey (?) to the family circle and continued to live in Winnipeg after Art’s retirement.


VELMA JOSEPHINE BOWIE (nee VEAL) Peacefully on Friday, July 11, 2014 Velma passed away surrounded by her loving family. She will be laid to rest in Dauphin in a private family ceremony at a later date. The family would like to thank the ICU staff of Concordia Hospital for their care and compassion. Flowers are gratefully declined. Donations can be made to the Lung Association 204-774-5501 or a charity of choice.


Don was born in Dauphin in 1938 and played serious junior hockey while attending school. He spent two summers working for Manitoba Telephone and at 16 left school early and migrated northwest ending up on the surface crew, and later underground, at the United Keno Hill mine in the Yukon. Later that year he found himself at Cassiar in the BC mountains, again in the mining industry. Due to overabundant snowfall Cassiar was a seasonal operation and closed for the winter so Don moved temporarily to Edmonton. When his cash ran out during the winter of 1955 he sought relief from sister Vel who wired him a ticket to get him back to Winnipeg. Needing to become employed again Don moved a few hours northeast of Winnipeg into the gold mining camp of Red Lake, ON in 1955, and, except for a short few months in Winnipeg c1958 he lived in that community his full adult life. On June 14, 1958 Don married Olive Boyko of Madsen, ON and the couple had three children - Kirk (Valerie Morris/ Karen Reiter), Karen (Pepi Pace), and Kimberly (Kurt Wood). Don died from pneumonia in the Thunder Bay hospital in late February 2014, just a few days short of his 76th birthday.


Veal - Posted on Monday, March 3, 2014 08:37 AM  - In loving memory of Donald James Veal who passed away at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre at the age of 75. He is survived by his loving wife Olive of 55 years, his son Kirk Veal, daughters Karen (Pepi) Pace and Kim Veal-Wood (Kurt). He is also survived by his sisters Evelyn Fleming and Velma Bowie and grandchildren Burgundy Veal-Dick, Jasmin Veal, Jackson Veal, Kyle Pace & Ryley Pace, and great grandchildren Deven Veal, MacKenzie, Taylor and Ashton Dick, also by numerous nieces and nephews. Celebration of Life will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 11 am at the Red Lake Royal Canadian Legion officiated by Reverend Terry McNear. A private family interment will follow in the Red Lake Cemetery. If friends desire donations may be made to the Tamarack House or English River Miners Junior Hockey through Herold Funeral Home, Box 237, Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0.


Courtney Veal Jr, a CNR Engineer, died of cancer in Dauphin in June of 1949. Josephine (Mather) Veal decided to follow her children and left Dauphin c1954, first to Winnipeg, then to Toronto, both short stays, and finally to Thunder Bay, ON where she worked for some years at Eaton’s. Josephine died in Thunder Bay in 1978 at 76 years of age.



Refined: 20.07.15; augmented 06.08.16