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Where Are They 60 Years Later?




Miss Morine’s Room (Gr. 4/5) - Oakdene School, Bear River, NS – 1952



   Thumbnail Snapshots of the Past 60 Years: 


Front Row:                                       

Edmund Read                    Agriculturist, worked Kentville Research Station c1970s-1990s,

                                          married, retired and growing show roses and living Berwick, NS


Eddie Peck                         Entrepreneur, in floatplane ‘engineering’ business, married Jean Darres,

                                           living Pecks Hill in Bear River


Gerald Parker                    Biologist for CWS, studied caribou in NWT and lynx in CBI, married,

                                          widowed, remarried, living and writing in Sackville, NB


Allan Parker                       Canadian Forces-Pine Tree radar base focus, married, retired, widowed,

                                           remarried, living Saskatoon, SK


William Wamboldt             Moved to S ON, worked auto body, owned appraisal business, married,

                                           retired to Port Hope, ON, deceased 2021


James Parker                    Moved to Ontario c1956 with family; married, returned to NS; family living

                                          greater Halifax area in 2015; according to his Facebook page Jim "Studied

                                          Hammer Tech at the School of Hard Knocks, Masters Degree in Common

                                          Sense". Lived Eastern Passage, deceased Halifax 2020


Ray Riley                            Geologist/civil servant/consultant, married, semi-retired, living Thunder

                                           Bay, ON


Lionel McCormick               Worked Canada Post, major leadership in NS Lions Club,

                                            married, retired Lake Echo, NS, deceased 2018


2nd Row

Dora Harris                        Married Allen Height, homemaker, worked ‘The Pines’/fish plant,

                                           widowed, lived Digby, NS, deceased 2021


         Barbara Morine                  Married, divorced, living on Cape Breton Island at Coxheath, NS


Patricia Dukeshire               Real estate management, married, divorced, remarried first husband, 

                                            deceased Windsor, NS, Nov 2022


Marjorie MacDormand         To North Hampton, NH, with family c1956, single, tragically deceased

                                             Derry, NH, 1999


Noreen Elliott                       Married Richard Green, divorced, remarried an Elliott, widowed, deceased

                                             December 2016, Middleton, NS


        Shannon Fletcher                Married Clyde Trimper, widowed, remarried, lived Liverpool, NS, deceased



Nancy Parker                      Nurse, married, lived Denmark, family returned to Canada, widowed,

                                            living Calgary, AB


Dianne Graham                   Management training consultant, author, married Bob Sanford, divorced,

                                            remarried, living Bridgewater, NS and with her husband has devoted

                                            retirement years to adoption/protection of domestic animals. Deceased 2019


Carolyn Harris                    Financial analyst, married, divorced, lived Halifax, latterly living Digby but

                                           moving to Cornwallis spring 2013


Judy Marshall                      Moved with Pat Dukeshire/Carolyn Harris to Halifax 1960, spent a career

                                            with Sears Canada, married, retired, living Halifax


3rd Row

George Harris                      Moved to Kentville area, married, last living Grandview Manor

                                            retirement home, Berwick, NS, deceased mid-August 2013


Wendell Benson                 (Brother to Bentley Rice), moved to Sault Ste Marie, ON where he worked

                                           for Canada Post, deceased Ottawa 1969


Edward Hubley                    Moved to S Ontario, worked Wishing Well bottling company, auto parts,

                                            married, retired in London, ON


Rodney Peck                        Worked Canadian Coast Guard, married, retired, lived Bear River on

                                            Pecks Hill, deceased Digby April 2017


Miss Morine (Eleanor J)      Teacher, local girl, single, taught full career at Oakdene, deceased at

                                            85 years, Digby, 2006


David Hill                            Businessman, black organizer/advocate, widowed, career focused on NS

                                            with a short period in marketing in Toronto, living Dartmouth 2011


Gary Gesner                        Canadian Forces-MP, one tour Syria, married Dorothy Graham, divorced,

                                            remarried, retired, living Waterdown, ON, deceased May 2023


Lawrence Frost                   Initially to RCAF c1958; resigned, settled S Ontario, worked construction,

                                             married, retired, living Oakville, ON


Back Row

Bruce MacDormand            To NH with family c1956, worked carpentry and long-haul trucking,

                                           married, retired, living Milford, NH in 2023


Donald Darres                    Sales; initially worked Halifax area, lived Annapolis c 2005, more recently

                                           Dartmouth, married, retired


Lloyd Paul                           Engineer/entrepreneur, lived Digby for high school, migrated to NB, owns

                                            construction firm, married, living Saint John, NB


George Dunn                      To MA in 1957, drafted 1960, US Army aviation engineering, two tours

                                           each Germany & Viet Nam during 21 years, post-service consulting,

                                           married, retired, living Temple, TX


Bentley Rice                      Worked at Farmers Dairy at Digby, married Patricia Cook, deceased Digby



Eddie McDonald                Cook at CFB Cornwallis, married, retired, deceased Upper Clements 1997




Oakdene School Partly Framed by THE Oak

(Photo by former late-1940's student, photographer Jeff Wilson of Middleton)


Dianne (Graham) Nice/Ray Riley; June 2013

Last Updated March 2022