The Dennahys in the Background
The spelling of the name Dennahy is totally inconsistent across the 1800s and even into the early 1900s in the both Ireland and North America. This lack of consistency derives from the fact that most of the name ‘owners’ could not spell and officials were giving the name their own unique spelling twist. An excellent example of this is the spelling applied to the Jeremiah Dennahy/Ellen Drew children in the Catholic Church baptismal records in Killarney over a period of eight years in the 1820/30s– Jeremiah Dennahy, Hannah Dinnehy, Ellen Dinnahy, and Timothy Denahy. In each instance the parents’ name in the record is spelled similar to the child’s name.
The common characteristics of the spelling variations are i) an interchange of a single and a double “n”, and ii) a complete substitution of the vowels “a”, “e”, and “I” for each other, iii) the occasional addition of an “e” as in Dinnahey, and the occasional use of the vowel “o”. Fortunately soundex captures all of the possible common 18 variations; it also appears to capture the additional “e” and “o” options. Where the soundex option is not available then care needs to be exercised to ensure all possible options are covered.
The Dennahy Family in North America · We first came across what appeared to be likely Honora’s mother Ellen (56) and two younger gentlemen, thought at the time to be possible siblings, Thomas (34) and Patrick (30), living with Honora in Boston in the 1850 census. The last name attributed to Mother and possible siblings in 1850 was Donnehoe, a spelling which is most rare in both the US and Ireland. It does not show up in later US census – 1860 to 1880 – and was assumed to have likely been a corruption of some other Irish last name, most likely the common Donahue/Donohoe name. However, numerous searches have turned up no common threads to Thomas and Patrick and their possible familial attachment to the family has been discounted.
· The TWR pension file provided the NB connection through the Catholic dioceses to TWR and Hannah [Honora] via daughter Mary’s christening. The 1846 record of the baptism of Hannah's second child, Mary Riley, gives Hannah’s maiden name; that name has been variously interpreted from the poor handwriting as Donnely, Dormedy, Dormehy, and Donnehy. Access to and digital photography of the Church file in July 2005 and its subsequent enhanced enlargement clearly indicates that the name in this file is Donnehy.
· There is a potential record of TWR’s birth associated with the records of the Saint John Alms and Work House. The records for that establishment for 1844 indicate that one Bridget Donahy, presenting as a 20 year old from Cork with a Saint John address, was admitted on July 11 of that year due to pregnancy. The record goes on to note that she delivered on August 25, 1844 and was discharged on her own account on October 1, 1844 after a stay of some 82 days. The file appears to relate her stay to “Folio Kelly, Cork, June 9th/’44”. Subsequent research generated the following: i) that Ms Donahy advised that she was born in Cork, ii) that she was 20 years of age, iii) that she had landed Saint John on June 9, 1844, iv) that she had departed Louth, Ireland, on the Clio, with Captain Kelly in charge. However, a few details of her story do not match the facts. The 1840's ship Clio was a barque of some 473 tons built in Granville, NS and originally sold to a merchant house operating out of Padstow, Cornwall. The Clio generally delivered Canadian lumber into Cornwall, and passengers (generally US-bound) back to Canada; up until 1845 her captain was a Mr. Brown. The Clio is known to have sailed from Padstow for North America on April 23, 1844. Ship records would suggest that Clio's sailing time across the Atlantic probably averaged 4-5 weeks. Bridget's stated crossing on the Clio and her landing date of June 9, 1844 appear reasonable for the April 23, 1844 departure. Identifying the captain as Mr. Kelly, that departure was from Louth (north of Dublin), and that she was born in Cork may provide some cause to question the veracity of some details of her story but further access to that folio does not appear to be available. Three points re: this file are significant – i) The name Donahy and its variations are very uncommon in Saint John records, ii) The birth date of August 25, 1844 can be readily reconciled with Honora’s reported August 26th, 1844 date for TWR’s birth, and iii) Honora in her 1853 marriage documentation gave her mother Ellen’s name as ‘Bridget’. The Cork reference could have been provided to disguise her background or it may reflect the port from which she left Ireland; the age difference may simply reflect some of the inconsistency in her age (birth from 1820 to 1830) found throughout the record; and at the same time it is likely she would be more comfortable as an unmarried woman reporting in as a 20 year old than a 17 year old.
· Honora’s maiden name was given on son Seth L’s birth certificate as Denahy.
· Honora’s parents’ last name is given as Dennethy on her 1863 marriage documentation, and it is this spelling that has been captured and used by those pursuing the Vickery line.
· The maiden name provided on Honora’s death certificate, via information provided by son Hiland, is given as Denhue.
· The connection to Timothy Leddy in the pension files for both TWR and Honora greatly assisted in moving the yardstick closer to reality. Timothy Leddy’s wife Ellen, who appears to be the younger sister of Honora, gives her maiden name as Dennihy on her 1850 marriage certificate. In 1860 the Leddy’s have living with them a 70 year old widow (who is interpreted to be the Ellen Donnehoe of 1850) whose name is recorded as Ellen Denahy.
· Consequently by late 2003 some form of Dennahy as Honora’s likely maiden name was being favored.
· In mid-2005 Ellen Leddy’s death certificate was retrieved from the MA archives and clearly lists her last name as Denehy. However, what is even more important, her father’s name is listed as Jeremiah (as opposed to a couple of John’s in the birth records of her children, and supporting the Jeremiah name in one of Honora’s records) and her mother’s name is given as Ellen (giving strong credence that the Ellen Dennehy found living with the Leddys in 1860 is probably her mother).
· Of even more importance however the Ellen Leddy death certificate listed the maiden name of her mother (heretofore known as Ellen Donnehoe or Ellen Denahy) as Drew (see following section).
· An identification of Honora’s older brother Jeremiah in the US was made in summer of 2007. In 1860 he was living in Boston as 40 year old John Dannahy with his wife Honora (Galvin) Dannahy and a family of six children including Ellen, 11, Johanna M, 10, Margaret J, 9, Francis H, 7, Delia T, 5, Joseph W, 3.
· To date, and with some considerable effort expended, there have been no close matches for Jeremiah Sr. or sibling Timothy in the North American records and they may have died in Ireland.
· There appears to be an as yet undetermined familial relationship between a Margaret (Dennahy) Kelliher (b c1813) of Boston and sisters Honora Riley/Vickery and Ellen Leddy. Margaret provided affidavits for both of the sister’s pension quests in the 1890’s and noted she had known both sisters before they were married.
The Ireland Connections
· Geographically speaking most Dennehys (sp) in Griffith’s valuation were living in Cork or Kerry. The preponderance of Drews were in Cork and Limerick, although there is a small enclave south of Dublin, and a significant number of others scattered across the country, including 5 references in Kerry.
· A search of the digitized Casey records on the LDS website provided a christening record for May 21, 1824, in the Roman Catholic Church in Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland of one Jeremiah Dennahy, son of Jeremiah Dennahy and Ellen Drew. Further searching of this file source shows that Jeremiah and Ellen also produced Hannah Dinnehy (christened 10 March 1827), Ellen Dinnahy (christened April 1, 1829) and Timothy Denahy (christened June 15, 1832). The Ellen record gives Drew as “Drewe”. The likelihood is that these four individuals are siblings, with Hannah being our Honora. In all four cases the spelling of the parents’ last name matched the spelling of the child’s name (or vice versa!).
· A possible family make-up therefore would be Jeremiah (c1924), Hannah/Honora (c1827), Ellen (c1829), and Timothy (1832). Given the fact that these children appear over a 8 year time frame there may have been others that did not make it to adulthood, or conversely who may have died during the famine. Ellen Leddy lists her immigration date as 1848 in the 1900 census, and the fact that Mother (and two possible male siblings??) was living with Honora in 1850 may suggest she (they?) still had not yet gotten her bearings in America. I would speculate that the immigration date of other family members to the US is likewise in the late 1840’s.
· (It is noteworthy that Casey gives a host of “Donnhoes” of various spellings in the same parish in Killarney during the early part of the 1800’s. There is some possibility that the 1850 Thomas/Patrick living with Honora were actually Donnhoe family friends from Killarney and not Dennahys, likely taken in by Honora as boarders to assist in paying the rent. This position has been arbitrarily accepted until the search is redirected through a revised North American connection.)
· There is a possible baptism for Jeremiah Dennehy Sr. in the RC church in Currow, County Kerry, listed as May 4, 1804 in Casey; his parents were Philip Dennehy and Cath. Sullivan. The same parents baptized a son Timothy in the same location on February 24, 1802. This couple should be considered as a possible candidate for Ray’s GGGG grandparents.
· There were two recorded witnesses for Honora’s brother Jeremiah’s 1824 Killarney christening – “Patrick Dinnahy & Nora”. The nature of the written combination of these two individuals suggests father and daughter rather than husband and wife. Casey gives a christening in the RC church in Killarney on Aug. 9, 1807 of one Nora Danihy, daughter of Patrick Danihy and Ellen Cronin. It would be reasonable to deduce the presence of this Patrick and Nora at Jeremiah’s baptism; Nora would have been 17 at the time.
· The Patrick Danihy and Ellen Cronin family appears to have consisted of the following children, all baptized in the RC church in Killarney: Nora [Honora] Danihy, bp Aug 9, 1807; Daniel Dinnahy, bp Mar 30, 1810; Jeremiah Dinnahy, bp Sept 28, 1816; Hannah Dinnahy, bp May 31, 1819; Margaret Dinnahy, bp Nov 13, 1821; Patrick Dinnahy, bp Mar 02, 1825; Ellen Dinnahy, bp June 17, 1827.
· There are two options for getting Honora to NB in the mid 1840’s. The first is that she came as a young, unmarried female and met and married Timothy Sr. in NB. About the only support of this hypothesis to which we might point is the fact that ‘Bridget’ appeared to be unmarried during her time in the Alms House; however that may have been contrived so as to gain entry to the facility. We do have evidence of an 18 year old Timothy Rilley arriving Saint John on the Matilda in 1834 but no further evidence of his existence in Saint John in the following decade.
· The second alternative is that she came to Saint John as a young married woman. We do have evidence of a marriage in Killarney on July 31, 1843 of one Nora (Hannah/Honora/Nora/Ann) Dinnahy to one Timothy Rahilly. That the couple shortly thereafter left for ‘America’ is not unreasonable. That they went to NB is also not unreasonable as it was a less expensive passage to the US via Canada than to go there directly. In this particular case the young couple found themselves with a child (Timothy-1944) before they had had time to make their way to the US, or in the alternative they may have consciously decided to stay in Saint John for a period of time. This second hypothesis has been adopted until such time as the evidence leads in another direction.
· There are christening records in Casey for “Timothy Rahilly” (note that "Riley" is not a common name in County Kerry in the 1840's) in the Killarney RC church for the period in question as follows:
· Griffith’s valuation (1853) shows the following Denehys on Fair Hill in Killarney, in Magunihy Barony: o Patrick Denehy (plus Ellen Cronin???) was the occupier of Lot 3, leased from the Earl of Kenmare, consisting of a house and yard o Daniel Denehy was the lessor of vacant Lot 4 consisting of a house and yard o Daniel Denehy was the occupier of Lot 5, leased from the Earle of Kenmare, consisting of a house, yard, and garden o Daniel Denehy was the lessor of vacant Lot 6 consisting of a house
· Another version of Griffith’s Valuation (from the Failte Romhat website) provides for a Jeremiah Dennehy on Fair Hill, but the lot numbers are not associated. It is reasonable to assume that the Jeremiah presence on Fair Hill was collected in an earlier survey, and that he likely occupied one of the vacant lots of 1853. It is notable that this same survey also identified a Daniel Dennehy on High St. and a Johanna Dennehy on High St. and a Patrick Dennehy in Ardshanavooly.
· For the record, Fair Hill is the road/street leaving the core of Killarney easterly toward Pike Wood, while High Street is the extension of Main Street progressing northwest out of the core of the town and turning into the Tralee Road.
The Kerry vs Cork “Dennahy” Connection (“Dennahy” in this format represents any of the similar surname formats.)
RAR - 09.09.07 Updated - 16.06.13; 06.12.21