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Summarizing The First Five Generations of the Family of My Maternal Great Grandmother- Soretha Jane Poole



My great grandmother on my mother’s Rice side was Soretha Jane Poole who married my great grandfather Benjamin C Rice on September 1, 1867, two months after the founding of Canada. I had known Soretha Jane i) simply from her name in The Rice Family Tree and the associated immediate vital statistics, ii) from the James W Poole family Bible which has been in my possession since 1990, and iii) from an old book (The Triumph Over Midian) with a dedication to “Seretha” Jane by her teacher Frank Denton for "Diligence in Study and Good Conduct in School, during the winter of 1866-7". She would have been 23 during the winter of 1866-7 so it is unlikely that she was participating in the local school education system.

Marion McCormick, in her 1967 draft manuscript, The Rice Family, which was focused primarily on the Nova Scotia Rices, made a note that “Seretha” had been one of the first lady members of the Smiths Cove Temperance Society.  While I have not been able to verify Mrs. McCormick’s information regarding Soretha’s involvement in the Smiths Cove Temperance Society, I was able to indirectly confirm that both her father and her uncle had been active members of that union. It is therefore not a hard stretch to assume the award may have been related to her involvement as a young adult in the temperance movement.

There have been some discrepancies in the spelling of my great grandmother Poole's first name. In her marriage record and the birth records of two of her children she is referred to as “Ceretha”. The dedication in the book referred to above clearly gave her name as Seretha, and my mother, Seretha Dora Rice, advised that she was named after her grandmother.  Finally, the James W Poole family Bible clearly spells her name as "Soretha", twice on the Births page, and again "Soretha" on the Deaths page. Her name is also spelled Soretha on her daughter Inez's death record wherein the informant was Soretha's younger, half-sister Jessie (Poole) Austin, and also spelled Soretha in the 1871 census of Digby County.  The point here is that the "C" spelling in the marriage and birth records would appear to be incorrect and probably the derivation of the local pastor and/or the individual that indexed the marriage and birth records. This file has chosen to go with Soretha because of its prominence in the family Bible coupled with the spelling in Inez' death record, and its use in the 1871 census; however, the Seretha version is probably just as legitimate.

A note on the surname Pool/Poole. Available records show that both surname spellings were applied to progenitor John Pool and Pool was occasionally applied to some of his immediate offspring. However, the surname Poole appears to be consistently applied to the family from the third generation onward. This file generally follows the more recent spelling of the name.  

In reference to the Poole family Bible, it has been identified herein as the James W Poole Family Bible primarily from the array of names covered in the vital statistics pages. The only marriages listed are James’ marriages to Deborah Thomas and later to Maria Warren; the births of all of the offspring of both wives appear to be entered in the document; the deaths of James’ parents Asa and Elizabeth have been entered; as have the deaths of some of James’ uncles and aunts from the Poole side of the family. Entries for some of Soretha’s children suggest the Bible was subsequently handed down to or acquired by James’ daughter Soretha.

My current (December 2012) Poole family database contains some 2548 individuals and has potential to grow, particularly with the addition of more members of the 6th and 7th generations. A considerable amount of the information on the Poole Family related herein has been derived from several existing family trees which are, or perhaps have been, available on the Internet. Some of the key sources that contributed to this summary include:

·         The Poole Hinxman LaFleur Stevens family tree compiled by Cynthia (Poole) Hinxman of New Hampshire (currently a private document) provided the John Poole purchase record of the property south of the Annapolis River from David Bent, a map of the properties south of the Annapolis River, and many other relationships, particular on the US side of the family.  

·         The Patricia Jean Poole Family Tree compiled by Patricia Jean Poole of California provided extensive information on the extended Ambrose Poole family across the US.

·         The Nova Scotia Rice Family, 1967 draft, compiled by Marion McCormick of Bear River, NS provided good connectivity on the Digby and Annapolis county Rices.

·         The newell Family Tree provided some detail on the Massachusetts extension of the Digby and Annapolis Rices.  

·         The Bent Family Tree provided some vital, although unsourced, detail on John Poole and his wife Sarah Bent.

·         George King of the Rice Association provided the author with an unpublished manuscript of the Descendants of John Rice, on May 24, 1998 which has provided direction on Rice family general connectivity and extension in both Massachusetts and Nova Scotia.

·         Sheila Coulton of New Brunswick, likewise with ties to both the Rices and Pooles through Soretha’s sister Eliza May and Benjamin Rice’s brother Charles, provided some initial family information which was the key to inducing me to finally take the plunge and pursue this Poole compilation.

This summary focuses on the first five generations of the John Poole family and must be considered a work in process. It is based on information readily available to late-2012. This information has led to the generation of a number of assumptions about individuals and families; some of the families will grow and some of the assumptions will undoubtedly change as further work is invested in the file and improved information becomes available.



The Immediate Soretha Jane Poole Family:

·         Soretha Jane Poole appears to have been one of five children born to James William Poole and wife Deborah Thomas of Smiths Cove, Digby Co, NS.  The James W Poole family Bible provides that she was born on July 5, 1843 and that she died Nov 7, 1878. The assumption is that she was born in Smiths Cove and that she died on the Rice family farm at Milford Corner about three road miles west southwest of Bear River.


·         Soretha Jane was her parents’ second child and eldest daughter. She was preceded by a brother, William Marsdon Poole, a mariner and a carpenter, who was born in Smiths Cove in 1842 and died in 1882 in Malden, MA.  The family Bible provides for a sister, Mary Plira, born in 1845 but upon whom no further information is available. Julia Viola is the fourth listed child; she was born in Smiths Cove in 1846 and died in Everett, MA in 1904. The youngest member of this family is Eliza May Poole who was probably born in Smiths Cove in 1848 and died in MA in 1933. It is of interest that Eliza May’s birth is not recorded in the family Bible, yet her death is recorded therein, and that both Eliza May and Mary Plira share the birth day of Jan 22, and that Mary Plira’s only record is that of her birth in that same family Bible which did not record her death. The writer has been advised by Heather Jean Hines, a great great granddaughter of Eliza May that she was also known as Mary Eliza and as a result has concluded that Mary Plira and Eliza May are most likely one in the same individual.    


·         Soretha Jane’s mother Deborah was born in 1814 and married James W Poole at Trinity Anglican in Digby in 1841; she died, likely at Smiths Cove, in April of 1857 at 43 years of age. Soretha Jane’s father James W Poole remarried later that same year to widow Maria (O’Dell) Warren who entered the marriage with a daughter - Maria Warren. Maria Warren died one year later on July 28, 1858 at the age of 8.


·         James W and Maria had three children: Maria Laroma Poole who was born in 1859 and died the following year at 11 months; Norman Poole who was born in 1861 and who drown at Smiths Cove in a boating accident at 29 years of age on Jan 4, 1890; and finally Jessie Alice Poole born in Smiths Cove in 1864 and who married George Austin in Smiths Cove in 1902 where she continued to live until her death in 1951.   


·         Soretha Jane’s father James William is reported to have been born in Annapolis, NS in 1817; he died in Smiths Cove in 1903. Isaiah Wilson, on p 235 of his Geography and History of the County of Digby, noted that James W Poole was involved in road construction as "Supervisor" and that, in conjunction with "Commissioner" William Falkner of Truro, in 1851 and 1852 opened a couple new roads in the Smiths Cove-Grand Joggins-Marshalltown areas. Wilson also noted that James W and his brother Edmund A were members of the local temperance society.


·        Soretha’s step-mother Maria O’Dell was born in 1823 and died in 1912. Maria was one of four children of Artemus  O’Dell  and his wife Maria of Hillsburg Tp, NS (read the general Bear River-Smiths Cove area of Digby County) who in 1860 inherited Bear Island at the mouth of the Bear River from their father. 



Tracing the Poole Family Back Through Time:


·         James W Poole’s father was Asa Bent Poole on whom there is unfortunately only meager available information. The Poole Family Bible indicates Asa died in 1860 at 68 making his year of birth c 1792. His birth location has not been identified but it is logical to assume it to have been in the area of West Paradise in the Annapolis Valley.  Asa Poole appears to be the son of John Poole of West Paradise, NS; however, having said that there is not yet an available document that confirms the direct familial connection.


·         Asa is reported to have married Elizabeth Moore in Annapolis, NS in 1812 when he was 18 and Elizabeth apparently 14 to 15 years of age. The couple appears to have had eight children: i) Eliza Diadama, b 1814, married James Thomas at Digby’s Trinity Anglican in 1833; ii) James William identified above; iii) Amelia Ann b 1822 and married James Marshall, and d in NS in 1887; iv) John “Ambrose”, stated to have been born in Bridgetown, NS in 1819, a blacksmith and a miller by trade, and who died at Cedar Lake, Digby Co in 1875; v) Mary Elizabeth born in 1821 and who died in Rockport, MA in 1850 at 29 years; vi) George Whitefield born in 1825 and who immigrated to Massachusetts where he practiced carpentry; vii) Albenia Dorcas who was born in NS in 1837, married Howard Marshall in Smiths Cove c1853 and who died at Rossway, Digby County in 1893; and vii) Edmund Asa born in Hillsburg in 1833, a mariner and a carpenter, who died in Dakota Territory in the US in 1885.


·        Wilson (p 278) indicates that Asa was a charter member of the Hillsburg Agricultural Society established in the Acacia Valley (near Smiths Cove) on Mar 14, 1840, and one of seven members of its 'Committee of Management’.


·         The Digby County genealogy website contains an historic houses file which includes the Asa Poole house in Smiths Cove; the text accompanying the photo of the house reads as follows: "The construction date of this house is uncertain but is believed to have been built in the 1830's by Asa Poole. Asa was born in Digby in 1809. It is not certain how Asa obtained Lot #14. The oldest deed found in the search was an 1860 deed from the sheriff of Digby and the heirs of Asa Poole to James W. Pratt. In 1855, Asa Poole sold the eastern half of Lot #14 to James Wilson Poole, his son (the house in question would be the western half). J. W. Poole was the father of young Norman Poole who drowned in a boat in the Annapolis Basin. A monument to his memory is in the Methodist church." (One cannot help but wonder if the James W Pratt who is reported to have bought the Asa Poole house from the estate in 1860 is in reality son James W Poole who was simply reconsolidating the two halves of Lot #14.) A reconfirmation of the birth of an Asa Poole in Digby in 1809 as stated above is yet to be established.  


·         The available records have been interpreted to indicate that Asa was one of nine siblings as follows: Dorcas Poole, 1789-1862; William Poole, c1790-1824; Asa Bent Poole, c1794-1860; Sidney Poole, ? - 1838; Stephen Poole, 1799-1860; Irene Poole, 1804-1876; Ambrose Poole, 1807-1885; John “Wesley” Poole, 1809-1861; Elizabeth Poole; Mary Poole, ? - 1858.


·         Available information on Asa’s siblings and their extended families ranges from highly detailed to exceedingly meager as will be summarized below.



Some Background on the Apparent Annapolis Valley Poole Progenitor – John Poole of West Paradise, NS


·         The earliest Poole connection with the Annapolis Valley appears to be contained in two references set out in Calnek’s History of Annapolis County both of which make reference to a Samuel Pool: i) on page 196 he gives the names of Samuel Pool and James Pool of Lunenburg, MA, as two individuals who applied for grants in Annapolis County in 1759; ii) on page 160 he lists Samuel Pool as one of the names "... inserted in the first grant in the township of Annapolis, in 1759 ...".  Available Lunenburg, MA, town records indicate that both Samuel and James were still living in the Lunenburg area after 1760; neither of these two individuals appeared to have a suitable son John who could have left the Lunenburg area for the Annapolis Valley c1860.


·         It would appear that James Pool, for whatever reason, was not recognized in that first tranche of township grants. Additionally, Samuel Pool's name does not appear in the list of land grants published on map format (Maps 20, 21, 22, 28, 35, 36 covering Annapolis County) by the NS Department of Lands and Forests (undated). The relationship, if any, between this Samuel Pool and our John Poole, is unknown.


·         The earliest record we have to date regarding John Poole was associated with a 1786 petition signed by some 35 petitioners protesting to the Governor against a petition of seventeen other inhabitants of Annapolis township who were themselves requesting a grant of land three quarters of a mile wide, and twenty four and a half miles long on the south side of the upper district of the township of Annapolis, which would put "…your petitioners and present proprietors under a very great disadvantage," as it would shorten the lots on the south side of the township, contrary to the intention of the proprietors. They requested that the “seventeen petitioners before mentioned may not have more than half a mile in width and the whole length of the township or that they have the quarter of a mile more, given them on the back of the second division, where it will not so much interfere.”


·         The presence of John Poole’s name on the 1786 petition suggests he was likely a landowner at that point in time.


·         The second earliest Nova Scotia reference to John Poole currently available comes in the form of a document referencing the sale of a piece of property in the West Paradise area by David Bent to John Poole; David was, or was to be, John’s future father-in-law.  The text of the following document has been extracted from the Poole Hinxman LaFleur Stevens family tree.    

"To all People to whom their presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that I David Bent of Annapolis in the County of Annapolis and Province of Nova Scotia for and in consideration of the Sum of thirty pounds to me in hand will and duly paid by John Pool of Annapolis in the County of Annapolis and Province aforesaid yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself satisfied and paid have granted Bargained and sold unto him the said John Pool a piece of land lying in Annapolis aforesaid, containing three hundred and fifty acres be it more or less running South ten degrees East to lots laid out on the South side of the town then turning Easterly at a right angle running forty two rods, thence North ten degrees West by land of David Bent aforesaid to Annapolis River, thence by said River to the Corner first mentioned, being the Westerly half lot number five in the second division of lots in Annapolis upper district, as by the plan may more fully appear reference being had to the same. To have and To hold the said bargained premises with the appurtenances of privileges to the same belonging unto him the said John Pool his heirs and assigns for ever and the said David Bent for myself heirs executors and administrators do covenant and grant to him the said John Pool his heirs and assigns the lawful and peaceable possession of the above bargained premises freely and clearly acquitted of all former gifts, grants, or incumberances of what name or nature soever. (Except Her Majesty's Suit _____) Which the said John Pool his heirs and assigns is to pay, further the said David Bent for myself heirs Executors and Administrators do engage the above bargained premises unto him the said John Pool his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons Except the quit _____ ____ In _____ whereof the said David Bent have here unto set my hand and seal the second day of April 1789 and in the twenty ninth year of His Majestys Reign. Signed and Sealed in presence of Thomas Clark, David Felch.

David Bent (signature)

2 April 1789, Annapolis, NS”


·         The above description places this property south of the Annapolis River and west of an additional David Bent holding (from which it may have been severed). It also sets its western corner at (or opposite) the westerly half of Lot # 5 of the lots surveyed north of the river.  Given that a rod equals 16.5 feet the property in question was 693 feet west to east along the baseline of the surveyed southern lots. Church (1876) may give some insight on the property location. He shows JH Poole (east) and A Poole (west) located in adjoining houses on the road south of the Annapolis River between Bridgetown and Paradise (or in 'West Paradise'). A D Bent house is some six properties to the east on the same road. From an 1882 survey plan of the same area, brought to the Internet by Cynthia Hinxman in her Poole Hinxman LaFleur Stevens genealogy, we note that the Poole and adjacent lots appear to abut the road on their north end and extend up on the South Mountain for some considerable distance. These lots are probably those described by Bent as "the lots laid out on the south side of the town". It is therefore reasonable to locate the John Poole 350 acre purchase from father-in-law David Bent as generally lying between the Annapolis River and the access road generally paralleling the river a few hundreds of feet to its south in the general vicinity of Church's location of the JH and A Poole residences on his 1876 map.      


·         John Poole was one of the Annapolis Township ratepayers entered in a list provided by Calnek in his History of Annapolis County (p 172) who were subject to the 1791 "Capitation Tax Act". Also in 1791 John and his wife Sarah were listed as the parents of one year old William Poole in a christening record from the All Saints Anglican Church of Granville Center, NS.


·         The following note was extracted from the private Poole Hinxman LaFleur Stevens genealogy on Ancestry.com.   "According to Leila (Poole) Outhouse, John's first house was probably a log cabin near the river in West Paradise. According to the Lander's Papers, he soon built a frame house, carrying the lumber from a sawmill a little to the east of the site on his shoulders. [Church locates a sawmill a short distance west of the Poole residences on the road south of the Annapolis River.]  The land on which he built was purchased from Jack and Hannah Longley. [This would at first blush appear to be a different lot than that purchased by John from father-in-law David Bent.]

Papers loaned from a descendant, Mrs. Gordon Landers, stated that he was a Loyalist. First record found was on the Capitation List of 1792, at which time he was in Annapolis Township. His name was on a list of "The inhabitants of the Upper District of Annapolis" who signed a petition in 1819 [sic, see above], in which year he was also Overseer of the Poor."


·         Thomas Ritchie, a great, great grandson of Soretha Jane Poole, in a post on the RootsWeb.com Digby message board on Apr 15, 2011 noted the following:  "As a matter of interest I have a letter dated 1926 from Jessie [Poole, mn Austin] including a photo of the house built by the 1st Poole to come to Canada - John Poole. The house was built near Paradise NS. He arrived in about 1776 from Virginia. The family was of Cavalier descent."


·         Calnek (p 478) notes that John Poole married Sarah Bent, daughter of David Bent (b Mar 18, 1739) and Mary Felch;  the Bent's were married on June 6, 1761 in Natick, Middlesex, MA. According to the on-line "Descendants of Hugh Sargent" John Poole's birth year was c1762 and Sarah Bent's was c1766; however, the compilation provided no sources for the date information.  


·         Wayne Walker of Ottawa abstracted the John Pool probate record as follows:  "203. Page 146, R: 10 Feb 1831: LWT of John POOL of the Township of Annapolis dated 11 Dec1830. Sons: Wesley POOL and Stephen POOL. Daughters: Elizabeth McCARTER, Dorcas LONGLEY, Mary MOORE and Irena LANDERS. Estate Folio P30 (1831)."  Of interest, John’s will, while identifying all his daughters, does not identify sons William, Asa, Sidney, and Ambrose. William’s absence from the will is logical as he had died in 1824; however, the reason for the omission of the remaining three is not evident.    


·         The Canadian Genealogical Index lists a John Poole from Nova Scotia sourced in William Inglis Morse’s, Gravestones of Acadie, A. Smith & Company, London, England, 1929. Volume/Page: 54. 



The Known Distribution of the John Poole/Sarah Bent Children:


The Elizabeth Poole Family:

·         The initial meager information on Elizabeth Poole came from i) a christening record for one Elizabeth Pool dated Mar 1, 1786 from Annapolis' St Luke's Anglican Church, ii) the probate record of her father where she is acknowledged as daughter Elizabeth McCarter, iii) the James W Poole family Bible which gave the death year of Elizabeth McCarthy as 1845, and iv) the Annapolis-based Saint Luke’s Anglican listed a marriage between Elizabeth Poole and “John Adam MacCarthyr” held on Oct 13, 1819; John Poole was a witness. Elizabeth's christening date would suggest she is the oldest child.  


·         Research during the summer of 2014 led to the discovery of one John Ambrose McArthur and one Edwin R McArthur, both living in Essex Co, MA in the late 1850s, both with birth locations described as Halifax, NS/near Halifax, NS, and both with parents listed as John A McArthur (b Scotland or NS) and Elizabeth McArthur, b NS.


·         A short biography on John Ambrose led to information on his father (no name) indicating that the latter was likely born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, had attended Dublin University, was in the British Military, and had been at the burial of Sir John Moore in Corunna, Portugal in 1809 and at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. It also provided that John Ambrose’s mother was the daughter of a Royalist who had removed to Halifax at the end of the American Revolution. Interestingly, Edwin R’s 1913 death record, informed by his daughter, indicated that Edwin R’s mother was one Ann Poole.  


·         The military connection of John Adam had been early conjectured because it fit a pattern followed by other local Annapolis girls of the day who were known to have married soldiers of the 60th Foot out of Halifax doing garrison duty in Annapolis and who were then removed from the Valley records.


·         John Adam’s University and military history would suggest him to be in his mid-30’s at the time of marriage to Elizabeth.


·         The identification of Edwin’s mother as Ann Poole by her granddaughter may suggest Elizabeth’s middle name was Ann, or it may simply suggest that the granddaughter was uncertain of the first name of her grandmother who had died in another country before the granddaughter was born.


o   John Ambrose McArthur:     John Ambrose McArthur in the late 1850s was self-employed as a photographer in Newburyport, MA. He is reported to have spent a short time in business in Montreal (during the Civil War??) and subsequently carried on business affairs back in Newburyport.


o   John Ambrose married Fannie E True in 1859 in Newburyport. She apparently died in childbirth in 1869.The couple are not recorded to have had any children.


o   In 1872 John Ambrose graduated from the Harvard Medical School, and after a short sojourn in Charlestown, set up a thriving practice in Lynn, MA. He married Annie E Friend in Lynn in late 1872. The couple had a daughter Catherine in 1879 but she eludes clear identification post-1880.


o    John Ambrose died in Lynn in 1887 after suffering for a couple years with what was described as “organic heart disease”; he was buried in Newburyport. His wife Annie continued to live in Lynn where she died in 1929.


o   Edwin R McArthur:                  Edwin/Edward R McArthur, b 1833 and with a reported US immigration date of 1850, is first recorded marrying Lydia Snow in Marblehead in 1858. He was early recorded as a shoemaker, then a retail grocer, then an art salesman, and finally a chemist (druggist).  Edwin and Lydia had three children. Widower Edwin died in Haverhill, MA in 1913; his mother was listed in his death record as Ann Poole. Edwin’s wife Lydia died in Marblehead in 1913.


§  Edwin McArthur was born in Marblehead in 1858; he was employed as a shoemaker. He married Ada Tindley in Marblehead in 1880; the couple was divorced before 1904. The couple had three children:


·         Carrie McArthur was born and died in Marblehead in 1882

·         Unknown McArthur died before 1900

·         Edwin McArthur was born in MA in 1896


§  In 1904 he married Alice Kelliher in Providence, RI. The couple had three sons:


·         Raymond McArthur in 1913

·         John McArthur in 1916

·         Leonard McArthur in 1919


§  Fannie A McArthur was born in Marblehead, MA, c1862. She married Edward Brooks in the same community in 1882; they later lived in Haverhill, MA.


§  Lillie Belle McArthur was born in Marblehead, MA, in 1869.



The Dorcas Poole Family:

·         Assuming Dorcas was an 18 year old at her 1807 marriage to Asaph Longley as his second wife then she would have been born c1789; she was christened that year via St Luke's Anglican Church in Annapolis on Dec 18. She and Asaph are recorded to have had six children, three girls and three boys, in the first two decades of the 19th century. Dorcas’ death year was recorded in the James W Poole Family Bible as 1862.


o   Helen Marie Longley:              Helen Marie Longley, born 1808, married Ebenezer Balcom, born the son of Ruben and Phoebe Balcom of Paradise in 1803, probably in Wilmot Township.  Ebenezer died in Paradise of consumption at 72 in 1875 and Helen died in 1880 and is buried in the Paradise cemetery. The couple had four children as follows: 


§  Maria Roxanne Balcom was born in 1831. She married her first cousin once removed  John Henry Poole in 1859. The couple proceeded to have five children.


·         Emelia W Poole, a school mistress, was born in West Paradise c1854 and died in the same community in 1905.

·         Hubert O Poole was born in NS in 1856. He married Susan Merry in Marlborough, MA in 1881 and the couple is known to have had two children

·         Avery B Poole was born in Paradise in 1860 and died in Everett, MA in 1901. He married Lillian Clisbee in Marlborough, MA 1891; the couple had 2 children.

·         Steven S Poole was born in NS c1865; he died at sea in 1883.

·         William A Poole was born in West Paradise, NS in 1873. In 1899 he married Laura Sproul in Clarence Centre, NS; the couple had seven children.


§  George Osman Balcom was born in Wilmot in 1837. A farmer, he married 22 year old Adelaide Freeman Banks in Clarence East, Wilmot Tp, in 1871 and had three children.  George died from pneumonia at 91 in Lawrencetown, NS in 1928


·         George Freeman Balcom was born in Paradise in 1872.

·         Gertrude H Balcom was born in Wilmot Tp in 1874. She appears to have married a Phinney as Gertrude H Phinney, daughter, of Lawrencetown was the informant on George Osman’s death record. 

·         Lila Belle Balcom was born in Paradise in 1876. She married Francis Whiteman.   


§  Warren DeBrisey Balcom was born in NS in 1833. He practiced farming and appeared to live his life in the Clarence area of Annapolis County. He married Mary E and the couple are known to have had six children:


·         Edgar Balcom was born in NS c1859.

·         Charles B Balcom was born in NS in 1865

·         Benetta S Balcom was born in NS in 1866

·         Jessie Balcom was born in NS c1869

·         Rupert W Balcom was born in NS in 1871

·         Annie I Balcom was born in NS in 1874


§  H Sophia Balcom


o   Caroline Sarah Longley:        Caroline Sarah Longley was born in 1810 and married John Hall in 1833 in Wilmot Tp. The couple had two children:


§  Elizabeth Hall was born c1839 and died in 1878.


§  Euphemia Hall was born c1840 and died in 1861.


o   Israel Longley:           Israel Longley was born, probably in Wilmot Tp, in 1813. He married Frances Manning  in Wilmot in 1837.  He died in Paradise at an early age of 58 years. Frances remarried one Levi Charles Woodworth in 1875. Israel and Frances appear to have had a daughter and a son.


§  Emma Jane Longley appears to have been born in Wilmot Tp in 1837. She died in 1851 in her 14th year and is buried in the Paradise Cemetery.


§  James Wilberforce Longley was a Canadian journalist, lawyer, politician, and judge. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1871 and a Master of Arts degree in 1877 from Acadia College. In 1871, he moved to Halifax and studied law with Hiram Blanchard. He was called to the Bar in 1875 and practiced law in Halifax from 1875 to 1882. He was also a journalist working for the Acadian Recorder. In 1882, he was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly for the electoral district of Annapolis County. From 1884 to 1886, he was a minister without portfolio in the cabinet of William Stevens Fielding. From 1886 to 1905, he was the attorney general. In 1887, he was appointed managing editor of the Halifax Morning Chronicle. He ran unsuccessfully as the Liberal candidate for the Canadian House of Commons for the electoral district of Annapolis in the 1896 election. In 1898, he was made a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. In 1905, he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. He married first Annie Brown in 1877 in Middleton, NS, with whom he likely had at least 2 children, and second, Lois E Fletcher with whom he appears to have had at least 2 children.


·         Horace Longley was born in Halifax in 1878. In 1900 he married 21 year old Kathleen Black, daughter of medical doctor JB Black of Windsor, in Windsor. He identified as a civil engineer in his marriage record.

·         Frances Mary Longley was born in Halifax in 1885; she died in that city in 1898 at 13 years of age from a tubercular-related ailment.

·         John Wilberforce Longley was born in Halifax in 1902

·         Frances Adams Longley was born in Halifax in 1909


o   Harriet Sophia Longley:         Harriet Sophia Longley was born in 1815. She married 1) George Brown and 2) William Sproul.


o   William Longley:       William Longley born 1819 died unmarried in 1839.


o   Avard Longley :         Avard Longley (February 22, 1823 – February 22, 1884) was a farmer, merchant and politician in Nova Scotia, Canada. He represented Annapolis County in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly from 1859 to 1867 and again from 1874 to 1878 and represented Annapolis in the Canadian House of Commons from 1878 to 1882 as a Conservative member. He was born in Paradise, Nova Scotia, the son of Asaph Longley and Dorcas Poole. In 1848, he married Hannah Maria Whitman. Longley married Charlotte Augusta Troop in 1855. Longley was first elected to the assembly in 1859 as a temperance advocate. He was commissioner of railways from 1864 to 1869. Longley helped found the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association and served as its president in 1883-1884. He ran unsuccessfully for a federal seat in 1867 and 1872 and was defeated when he ran for a seat in the provincial assembly in 1871. Longley served on the board of governors for Acadia College from 1874 to 1884. Still a temperance advocate while in Ottawa, he attempted to have the bar in the House of Commons closed permanently. Longley did not run for reelection in 1882 due to poor health. He died in Paradise at the age of 61. Avard appears to have had at least 3 children with Charlotte Troop.


§  Ella Stanley Longley was married to Ruben Harlow, a lumber dealer and later a farmer, in 1879. The couple lived first in Brookfield, Queens County and subsequently in Shelburne County.


·         Ella Azubah  Harlow was born in 1880

·         Avard Longley Harlow was born in Shelburne in 1881. In 1930 he married 44 year old Elizabeth Gladys Morse in Berwick, NS. Avard died in New Glasgow in 1944 at which time he was described as an accountant.


§  Henry Avard Longley  was born in Paradise , NS, in 1859. In 1889 he married 26 year old Annie L Leonard of Paradise, NS, in that community.  Henry Avard, a farmer, died in Wolfville, NS in 1944.


·         Henry and Annie had one known son, Dr. Ronald Steward Longley (1896 – 1967) who was an author and history professor at Acadia University and who married Vera Eaton.


§  Winnifred J M Longley was born in Paradise, NS, in 1871. In 1902 she married Thomas Wallace in Paradise, NS. Winnifred died in Wolfville, NS in 1950.



The William Poole Family:

·         There are only five references we can ascribe to this William, i) his baptism in 1791 as a 1 year old is recorded in the Nova Scotia Church Records file on the Family Search website, ii) his undated marriage to Deborah Langley is referenced in Calnek's History of Annapolis County, iii) his relatively early death is listed in the James W Poole family Bible, iv) Morse references his baptism/birth via All Saints Anglican Church in Granville in his 1929 volume "Gravestones of Acadie", and iv) Holder references his undated death in her "Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers, 1823-1828".   


·         William’s wife is given as Eliza Poole in the Patricia Jean Poole Family Tree and in Ancestry.com’s Profiles and Historical Records; however, no citation on the name is available and this file follows the Calnek reference.


·         William and Deborah appear to have had three children:


o   Rufus Poole:               Available information on Rufus Poole shows he and his wife to have been in Queens County, NS by 1861. He died in that county in 1881.


o   William Poole:           Similar to his brother, William, recorded variously as a lumberman/shoemaker/farmer, was living in Queens County, NS in 1861. By 1881 the family had migrated to Jordan River, Shelburne Co. William and his wife Jane Coops had six children:


§  Wesley Poole was born in NS c1857. He married Mary Kemston in E Haverhill, NH in 1902; she died in 1905. In 1916 he married Lana Schmidt in Bushell, NH; she died in 1919. Wesley died in Whitefield, NH in 1929.


§  William Poole was born in Milton, Queens Co, NS in 1858. He died in Jordan Falls, Shelburne Co, NS in 1937.


§  Matilda Poole was born in NS c1865. She married a Mr. Clifford and had a son Edward in MA c1894. She subsequently married a Mr. Holder and had a son Raymond in ME in 1924.


·         Edward Clifford was born in MA c1894

·         Raymond Holder was born in ME c1924. He saw service with the US Army in WWII.


§  Ella Maud Poole was born in NS c1869.


§  Frederick Poole was born in Milton, NS in 1871. He died in Jordan Falls, NS in 1946.


§  Ann Idessa Poole was born East Jordan, NS in 1878. She married George Pierce in East Jordan in 1915 at the age of 38.


o   Eliza Poole:                 Eliza was born in 1817, likely in Wilmot Township. She married Samuel Tedford Saunders, of Yarmouth, the 27 year old son of Abner Saunders and Sarah Tedford, in Annapolis, NS in 1845. It is likely this Eliza who is mentioned as “niece Eliza Poole” in John Wesley Poole’s 1842 will. Samuel, a farmer, died in 1892. The Saunders are recorded to have had 7 children as follows:


§  William Melbourne Saunders was born in 1845 and died in 1915. As a school teacher he married 28 year old Elizabeth Hardwick in 1873 in Annapolis and the couple had a son Edward.


·         Edward Saunders lived for one month in the fall of 1878.


§  Joseph Wallace Saunders was born in 1849 and died in 1923. He married Abigail Matilda Russell in 1894; Abigail was a widow formerly married to Joseph’s late brother Albert who died in 1886. The couple had one child:


·         Dorothy Saunders was born in late 1907 in Paradise, NS.


§  Samuel Rufus Saunders was born in 1852 in West Paradise, NS. He married Emma Bartlett in Boston in 1880.


§  Albert Egbert Saunders was a school teacher born in West Paradise in 1854 and who died in 1886 in Lynn, MA. In 1882 he married 28 year old Bridgetown, NS resident Abigail Matilda Russell in Phinney Cove, NS. The couple had two children. Abigail subsequently married Albert’s brother Joseph in 1894.  


·         Ethel Saunders was born in Lynn, MA in 1884.

·         Charlotte “Lottie” Saunders was born in Lynn, MA in 1886. She married Gordon Hirtle in Annapolis Royal in 1917.


§  Mary Etta Saunders was born in 1857 and died at 8 years in Annapolis in 1864.


§  Amy Amelia Saunders  was born in 1859. In 1876 she married Herbert Daniels, who was born in Bridgetown in 1851, in Paradise, NS. Amy is known to have died in New Hampshire. Amy and Herbert are known to have had at least one child.


·         Blanche Bertrand Daniels was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1889.


§  Blanche Bertrand Saunders was born in West Paradise, NS, c1862. In 1893 she married her sister Amy’s 29 year old brother-in-law Charles Daniels in West Paradise, NS. Blanche Died two years later in 1895.



The Asa Bent Poole Family:


·         It is believed, though not confirmed, that Asa was born in the Paradise area of Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. He is reported to have to have married in Annapolis Township in 1812 and at least part of his family is recorded to have been born in Annapolis County. The family had moved southwest into Digby County prior to the birth of son Edmund in 1833. As far as is known Asa lived in Smiths Cove in Hillsburg Township for the last 30 years of his life. Asa’s widow Elizabeth died at ‘Digby Ridge’ [generally today’s Hill Grove] in 1869.


·         Asa Poole is listed in the 1827 census as living in Clements Tp (likely Smiths Cove), occupied in agriculture, sporting a family consisting of 5 males and 4 females and one male servant. By 1838 yeoman Asa's Hillsborough Tp-based household had grown to 10 individuals distributed as follows:  1M<6, 1F<6, 1M 6-14, 2F 6-14, 3M>14, 2F>14.  


·         A few existing genealogies available on the internet list an Asa Poole child in addition to those set out below – Amelia Ann Poole b c1822 married James Marshall b c1813. The couple can be found in the Digby census for 1871 and 1881 living in Head of St. Mary’s Bay/Marshalltown. Living with them in 1871 is son Edward; in 1881 is the Frank Thomas family, Frank the son of Eliza Diademia Poole and James Thomas. Beyond this one boarding circumstance and a potential age slot in the family hierarchy, no evidence potentially linking Amelia Marshall to Asa Poole, including a maiden name, has been found.


o   Eliza Diademia Poole:             Eliza is recorded as having married James Thomas via Digby’s Trinity Anglican in 1833. One known child of that union has been retrieved from the records. Eliza appears to have died relatively early and James Thomas is known to have remarried. It is unlikely that Eliza was included in the 1838 make-up of her father’s family as she had married some five years earlier.


§  Frank E Thomas, seaman, was born about 1876. In 1876, a resident of Hill Grove, he married Deidami Smith, 21, of Plympton, NS. In 1881 Frank Thomas and family, Frank recorded as a seaman, were living with James and Amelia Marshall in Marshalltown. Amelia has elsewhere been reported as a sister to James W Poole although the relationship has not yet been reconfirmed for this file.  


·         Eldon Charles Thomas was born NS c1877. He married Cora Holder in Weymouth, MA in 1907 and the couple had a daughter Dammia c1909 in NY.   


o   James W Poole:        James W Poole was reported to have been born in Annapolis.  He is recorded to have been a man of both the sea and the land, described as a farmer in daughter Soretha’s marriage record yet self-advertised as a mariner on Church’s 1871 map of Digby County.  The immediate James W Poole family has been described above. The history of James W’s children is summarized as follows:


§  William Marsdon Poole, in association with his father, was advertised as a Smiths Cove mariner on Church’s 1871 map of Digby County. He subsequently immigrated to Massachusetts and took up carpentry, the occupation listed on his 1882 death record in Malden, MA. William married a cousin, Alvaretta J Poole, daughter of George Whitefield Poole, in Boston in 1872. He died in 1882 in Malden, MA; cause of death was attributed to syphilis.


·         David “Alva” Emery Poole was born in Malden, MA in 1875, married Ella Faulkner in Boston in 1898, practiced as an optician/doctor, and died in California in 1953.


§  Soretha Jane Poole married Benjamin C Rice of Milford Corner in Hillsburg Tp., son of William Rice of Bear River, NS, as his second wife and immediately became step-mother to three surviving children (three additional Rice children had died in the month of August 1860 from an obvious contagious disease) from Benjamin’s first marriage – 10 year old Eliza Barrett, 6 year old Pricilla Hall, and 3 year old Benjamin.


§  Soretha and Benjamin had three children of their own – Forman LeClair in 1868, Edith May in 1871, and Inez Anastasia in 1878. Soretha Jane died in 1878; Benjamin married Eliza Harlow in 1881. The disposition of Soretha’s stepchildren and children is as follows:


The  Step-children:


·         Eliza Barrett Rice married Alonzo Oscar Harris in Hillsburg, NS in 1873 and had two children.


·         Priscilla Hall Rice died as a 21 year old in 1882.


·         Benjamin J Rice married Jessie M Thomas in Bridgetown in 1883 and immigrated to Cambridge, MA in 1889 where their four children were born. Benjamin is reported to have died in Cambridge, MA in 1951, Jessie in Portland, ME in 1946; both are buried at Bear River, NS.


The Children:

·         Forman LeClair Rice was born in 1868, likely in Milford Corner, NS; he married Hannah Sherriff in Caledonia, NS, in 1894. Hannah had been born in Queens Co, NS in 1866 and died in Milford Corner in 1947. Forman died in Milford Corner in 1943. The couple had three children who died in infancy and eight who lived into adulthood. Of the adults one immigrated to Massachusetts, one to Michigan, one to Ontario, and two to Western Canada; the remainder pursued their lives in the Digby-Annapolis counties area.


·         Edith May Rice, Soretha Poole’s second child was born in Hillsburg Tp in 1871; she married William Thomas in Digby, NS in 1889. William died in Digby, NS in 1941; Edith May died in California in 1954. William and Edith May had three children, one of which was adopted.


·         Inez Anastasia Rice was born in Milford Corner, NS, in 1878, the same year that her mother died, and was raised by her maternal grandparents in Smiths Cove.  The record indicates she was working as a dressmaker in Massachusetts at the turn of the century. She died in Smiths Cove, NS, unmarried, in 1934.


§  Julia Viola Poole was born in Smiths Cove in 1846; she married Jacob Winchester in that same community in 1870. She died in Everett, MA, in 1904. The couple had four children, all born in Nova Scotia.


·         Anzanetta Beatrice Winchester was born in Smiths Cove in 1870; she married Abner Winchester in the same community in 1890. The couple immigrated to Massachusetts with one child c1893.

·         Alfred Winchester was born in Smiths Cove in 1872 and by 1920 was living in Massachusetts.

·         Bessie Winchester was born in Smiths Cove in 1876 and living in Massachusetts in 1920.

·         Clarence Coleman Winchester was born in Smiths Cove in 1878; he is recorded as being in Massachusetts in 1920 and 1930.  


§  Eliza May Poole was born in NS; it is believed she is represented in the James W Poole family Bible by the entry for Mary Plira Poole , b 1845. In 1870 she married Charles Rice in Smiths Cove, NS, the younger brother of her sister Soretha’s husband Benjamin Rice, and son of William Rice of Bear River, NS.  Charles died, likely in NS, in 1907; Eliza died in MA in 1933. The couple had three children:


·         Stanley Osborne Rice was born in Milford Corner, NS in 1874. He married Jennie Morine in Bear River, NS in 1897. Stanley died in Digby, NS in 1928 and was buried in Bear River’s Mount Hope Cemetery. Stanley and Jennie produced a family of 10 children, a number of whom developed New Brunswick connections.

·         Estella F Rice was born in NS in 1879. She married Albion Roode in Boston in 1912. The couple had one son born in Boston in 1913.

·         Percy Rice was born in Hillsburg in 1881. He apparently died young.


o   John “Ambrose” Poole:         John Ambrose Poole (he appeared to commonly operate under his middle name) was reported to have been born in Bridgetown in 1819; he was also reported to have been occupied as a blacksmith, a miller, and a postmaster. In 1848 he married 23 year old Eliza Winchester in Hillsburg, NS. The couple eventually moved to Cedar Lake located in Digby County close to the Yarmouth Co line. Ambrose died at Cedar Lake in 1875. His widow Eliza married William Moses of Yarmouth Co in 1875. Ambrose and Eliza had four known children:


§  Eliza Damey Poole self-reported having been born in Smiths Cove, NS, in 1846; however, her self-reported date of birth was the same as that of her sister Caroline, who self-reported being born at Beaver River, Digby Co, NS. It is likely the sisters are not twins but that one of them has the incorrect date or place of birth. Eliza married George Piper in Yarmouth, NS, in 1865 and was still living in Yarmouth when she applied for her late registration of birth in 1930.


§  Caroline A Poole reported being born in 1846 in Beaver River, NS, a location near Cedar Lake, Digby Co. In 1883 she married George Letteney in Digby, NS, the community in which the couple spent their married life and where George worked in the fishery. Caroline died in Digby in 1930; George in 1944. The couple had one daughter:


·         May Letteney was likely born in Digby. In 1930 she was a practicing registered nurse in Boston, MA.


§  Liliah I Poole was recorded to have been born on Digby Neck’s Long Island in 1856. She died of consumption in 1886 at 20 year of age at Cedar Lake, Digby Co.


§  Charles Poole was born in 1859 in Cedar Lake. He was lost at sea on Oct 24, 1880 at 21 years of age.


o   Mary Elizabeth Poole:            Mary Elizabeth Poole was born in 1821. She died in Rockport, MA in 1850 at 24 years of age.


o   George Whitefield Poole:      George Whitefield Poole was born in NS c1825. His earliest record is as a bondsman on his brother Ambrose’s 1848 marriage contract.  He married Jane Sophia Johnson and the couple and children are recorded in Foxborough, MA in 1880 where George was occupied as a house carpenter.  George appears to have died before 1900. Jane died in Foxborough in 1909 and is buried in that community. The Pooles had the following children:


§  Alvaretta J Poole, born in Rockport, MA in 1849, married her cousin William Marsdon Poole, son of James W and Deborah Poole of Smiths Cove, in Boston in 1872.


·         David “Alva” Emery Poole was born in Malden, MA in 1875, married Ella Faulkner in Boston in 1898, practiced as an optician/doctor, and died in California in 1953.


§  Effie Estelle Poole was reported born in Digby, NS, in 1854. She was residing in New York City when she died in Foxborough, MA in 1907. She appears to have been married to one Frank Herrick and the couple was living in Manhattan in 1900.


§  Hannah Irene Poole was reported [1880]to have been born in NS in 1857


§  Edith Ulriea Poole was reported [1880] to have been born in NS in 1860.


§  Charles Melburne Poole was reported [1880] to have been born in NS in 1864.


§  Frank Garitte Poole was reported [1880] to have been born in NS in 1868; he died of TB in Foxborough, MA in 1889 at 20 years of age.


o   Edmund A Poole:     Edmund A Poole is reported to have been born in Hillsburgh in 1833. In 1867 he married Almira S Reed in Digby, NS. Edmund was initially employed as a mariner; he later took up carpentering. In 1880 he was working as a carpenter in Casselton, Dakota Territory where he was living in a rooming house. Almira and the children were not listed in the US 1880 census or the NS 1881 census suggesting they had immigrated to Dakota Territory in the 1880-1881 period. Edmund appears to have died in Dakota Territory in 1885.

Almira and 19 year old son John were recorded living in Casselton, ND in 1900. Edmund and Almira appear to have had 5 children, including one set of twins, as follows:


§  Florence Mae Poole was born in NS in 1868. In 1887 at 19 years of age she married 28 year old James Patterson, possibly in Minneapolis, MN. In 1895 the couple was living, with one son, in the Superior, WI area.  By 1905 the family, now with four children, was living in Minneapolis, James’ home town, where he was employed as a travelling salesman. In 1920 James was still living in Minneapolis and was described as a widower. He was living in a boarding house and employed as a wholesale drug salesman. However, in 1920 Florence and two daughters were living in Los Angeles. Florence died in Los Angeles in 1946. Of the Patterson children:


·         Lloyd F Patterson was born in WI in 1891 and was living with the family in Minneapolis in 1905.

·         Adelaide V Patterson was born in WI in 1896.

·         Eudora B Patterson was born in 1901 in MN. She migrated with her mother and sister to Los Angeles prior to 1920. She married a Mr. Hammerly in Los Angeles in 1928. Eudora Hammerly died in Los Angeles in 1984.

·         Elizabeth V Patterson was born in MN in 1907; she migrated to Los Angeles with her mother and sister before 1920. She appears to have married Byron Williams c1929 in California. The couple appears to have had five children all born in California. There is a suggestion that Elizabeth died in MT and was buried in Glendale, CA but it has not been confirmed.


§  Mary Enid Poole was born in Digby, NS in 1871. She is reported to have died in 1891 at 20 years of age.


§  John Robert Poole was born in Digby, NS in 1873 as one half of a set of twins. John was listed in the 1900 US census as a 19 year old living in North Dakota and working for the railway. In 1917 he was single and a telegraph operator living in Sandpoint, Bonner Co, Idaho.


§   Mable Edith Poole was the second twin born in Digby, NS in 1873. In the US 1900 census she was recorded living in Great Falls, MT where she was employed as a musician.


§  Birdie “Maud” Poole was born in NS in 1879. In 1900 she was employed as a milliner and living in Minneapolis, MN.  By 1910 Maud appears to have married Harry L Call and was living next to her mother and sister in Minneapolis; she and Harry were reported to have had and lost one child.


o   Albenia Dorcas Poole:            A direct connection between Albenia Dorcas Poole to Asa Poole is yet to be found. However, there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests that Albenia was likely a daughter of Asa Poole of Smiths Cove; viz, i) there are several records that give Albenia's maiden name as Pool/Poole; ii) Albenia slots nicely in the hirearchy of persons listed in Asa's household in the 1838 census as the one female <6 years of age; iii) Albenia and Howard were married in Smiths Cove, iv) one of Albenia's sons, Willie AB Marshall, appears to be listed as Asa Marshall in the Rossport Anglican cemetery records and in the "Nova Scotia Vital Records, 1750-1959" file on the Family Search Website. As a result of this circumstantial evidence Albenia has been attached to the Asa Poole family as his youngest daughter.


o   Albenia, born in 1837, is recorded as having married Howard Marshall, b NS 1824, in Smiths Cove c1853. Albenia (also recorded as Alvinia and Lavina plus others) died in Rossway, Digby Co, NS in 1893 at a reported 60 years of age. Husband Howard appears to have outlived her.  The Marshalls are known to have had seven children:


§  James “Hubert” Marshall was born in NS in 1853 and immigrated to MA where he received his practiced carpentry. According to his death record he died a divorcee in Revere, MA in 1912.


§  Arthur Marshall was born on Digby Neck in 1864. He died in 1886 at the age of 22 and is buried with his mother and siblings in Rossway’s Anglican Cemetery.


§  George Ernest Marshall was born in 1865  on Digby Neck. He married Tressa Grigg in 1885 in Cohasset, MA. 


§  William A B Marshall was reported born in 1869. There is a death record for Asa Marshall, born Smiths Cove, son of Howard, in 1869. However, the death record purports that Asa died “at sea”, a possible but unlikely scenario if he was an infant.  A more likely scenario is that the family member dying at sea was older brother Arthur Marshall and that the Asa’s death record is corrupt.


§  J Bernard Marshall was born in NS c1870. In 1897 he married Mable Gordon in Revere, MA where he is recorded to have worked for the state police.


·         Arthur W Marshall was born in Revere, MA in 1898.

·         Hazel F Marshall was born in Revere, MA in 1905


§  Julia Pearl Marshall was born in Digby County c1873.


§  Irene Marshall was born in Digby County c1875.



The Sidney Poole Family:

·         There is minimal information available on Sydney Poole. Calnek in his History of Annapolis County noted Sydney’s marriage to Amoret Clarke, the oldest child of John Clarke and Mary Robinson but provided no detail. Wayne Walker abstracted the Sidney Poole probate record but again the document contained no direct detail. It would suggest however that Amoret had likely died by the time of Sidney’s death in 1838, and that the couple likely had no living children at that time. The probate file provides no assistance in connecting John and Sidney Poole as father and son.



The Stephen Poole Family:

·         Stephen Poole is recorded to have been born in Annapolis in 1799, likely in West Paradise, NS; his wife Jane Saunders, whom he married in Annapolis in 1825, was born in Yarmouth in 1798. Jane died in Annapolis County in 1858; Stephen died in Bridgetown in 1860.


·         The couple had three children: 


o   John Henry Poole:    John Henry was born in Annapolis in 1827, during his lifetime he was occupied as a carpenter/house joiner, and he died in West Paradise in 1890. He married Maria Balcomb in Bridgetown in 1852 when she was 20 years of age; she died in West Paradise in 1905. The couple are known to have had five children:


§  Emelia W Poole was a school mistress who was born in West Paradise in 1854 and died, apparently unmarried, in the same community in 1905


§  Herbert O Poole, a mason, was born in NS in 1856. In 1881 he married Susan Merry in Marlborough, MA. The couple is known to have had two children:


·         Fred S Pool was born in Massachusetts in 1886. He had two children with his first partner Lotta Belyea in the first decade of the twentieth century; no children have yet been recorded in his second marriage.

·         Frank A Poole was born in Massachusetts in 1889.


§  Avery Beauford Poole was born in Paradise, NS c1860. He immigrated to the US prior to his marriage in Marlborough, MA, to 21 year old Lillian Clisbee in 1891. The record indicates he practiced carpentry in the US. He died in Everett, MA in 1901 of serious burns.


·         Leon Clisbee Poole was born in Malden, MA in 1893; he died in Marlborough, MA, in 1968

·         Lester Bertram Poole was born in Malden in 1896. He died in Florida in 1972.


§  Steven Stanley Poole was born in NS in 1865; he died at sea in 1883 at 18 years of age.


§  William Atherton Poole, a farmer, was born in West Paradise, NS in 1873. He married 20 year old Laura Bell Sproul in Clarence Centre, NS in 1899. The couple appears to have had 7 children in NS, at least 5 of whom are known to have immigrated to NH and MA. Mother Laura died in Everett, MA in 1965.


·         Leroy Stanley Poole was born in West Paradise, NS, in 1900. He died in Concord, NH, in 1992. In 1924 he married Velma Shuman in Chelsea, MA. Velma had been born in Franklin, ME, in 1902 and died in Concord, NH, in 1998. The couple had four children, all in MA. One of those children died in ME, the other three in NH

·         Robert Everett Poole was born in Paradise, NS, in 1901 and died in Summit, NJ, in 1992. He married Doris Rice.

·         Marguerite Violet Poole was born in Paradise, NS, in 1902 and died in 1988 in Rochester, NH. She married Robert Castle in 1922.

·         Clarence Avery Poole was born in West Paradise, NS, in 1904; he died in 1984. He married Alice Paisley.

·         Grace Emma Poole was born in West Paradise, NS, in 1906. She was married to Earl Hunt in Boston in 1926. Grace died in 1994.

·         Reginald Poole was born in Canada in 1908. He married Helen Maxcy in MA in 1927. He died in Somerville, MA, in 1968; she died in Nashua, NH, in 1997.


o   Sarah Abigail Poole:     Sarah was born in Annapolis, NS, in 1828. In 1848 she married George Bachman in Bridgetown. As a widow she eventually immigrated to Massachusetts where she died in Medford, MA in 1903.


§  Uniacke Bachman appears to have been born in Annapolis County in 1850 and died in Granville in 1864.


§  Mary Jane Bachman was born in Paradise in 1855 and married James Keene in Haverhill, MA in 1873. The couple appears to have had eight children. 


·         George E Keene was born in Chelsea, MA in 1874 and died in that same location in 1875.

·         Elmer Judson Keene was born in Chelsea in 1876, he married Blanch Hunt in Boston in 1899, and he died in Auburndale, MA in 1968. The couple had one son.

·         Charles Bigney Keene was born in Chelsea, MA in 1877, married Gertrude Taylor in Boston in 1901, and died in Massachusetts in 1956.

·         Nina Keene was born in Chelsea in 1879, married Walter Peaslee in Massachusetts in 1921, and died in MA in 1957

·         Blanch E Keene was born in Medford, MA in 1884 and died in 1886

·         Ralph E Keene was born in Medford, MA in 1886, married Gertrude Harris in the same community in 1907, and died in 1951. The couple is reported to have had four children.

·         Everett Keene was born in Medford, MA in 1888. He married Harriet White in the same community in 1910 and the couple had three children. Everett died in St. Petersburg, FL in 1958.

·         Marion Francis Keene was born in Medford, MA in 1893.


§  Harriett E Bachman was born in NS in 1858 and married John Heath, a railway engineer, in Bradford, MA in 1873. She died in Elkhart, IN in 1920. The couple had two children:


·         Grace Heath appears to have been born in MA in 1874 and married Ira Miller in Elkhart, IN in 1894.

·         Emma Heath appears to have been born in MA in 1875 and married Melvin Stuck in Elkhart, IN in 1903. She died in Elkhart, IN in 1955


§  Ada B Bachman was born in NS in 1861. She immigrated to the US perhaps in 1897 and was initially occupied there as a dressmaker; by 1930 she was employed as a servant.


o   Mary E Poole:            Mary was born in NS c1845; she married Elisha Chandler in Haverhill, MA in 1868 and the couple appears to have had one son. Mary died of cancer in 1884 in Newburyport, MA.


§  Henry H Chandler was born in 1870 in MA. He married and had two sons.


·         William E  Chandler born in Massachusetts in 1898

·         Harry H Chandler born Massachusetts in 1899



The Irene Pool Family:

·         Irene Poole was born in Annapolis (a likely reference to the county) in 1804. Calnek indicates she married William Saunders but no date is available. William was born in Yarmouth in 1795. Irene died in Paradise, NS in 1876; William died in 1883. The couple appears to have had seven children.


o   John C Saunders:          The date of John’s birth is not yet known; he died in 1877 in Paradise, NS.  John, a farmer, carried the rank of Major in the 69th Battalion of the Annapolis County volunteer militia for the period 1871 to 1876. He married three times – i) Louisa Gates in 1854, ii) Anna Chesley, iii) Mary Sophia Barr in 1876.


§  Jessie M Saunders, born c1850 to first wife Louisa Gates, married Mathew Fisher of Kings County in 1867.


·         Harriet L Fisher was born in Kings County in 1869

·         Edmund Laurie Fisher was born in Somerset, NS in 1870

·         Richard Fisher was born in Somerset, NS in 1872

·         Jessie June Fisher was born in Somerset, NS in 1874


§  Frank Cosgrove Saunders was born to 2nd wife Anna Chesley in 1855 in Annapolis County.


§  Oscar Bland Saunders was born to second wife Anna Chesley in 1857 in Annapolis County. A telegraph operator, he married Annie Peppett in North Sydney in 1888 and died in that community in 1944.


·         Jessie Myrtle Saunders was born in North Sydney in 1893

·         Laurie Peppett Saunders was born in North Sydney in 1896

·         Oscar Porter Saunders was born in North Sydney in 1902; he married Jeanette Myers in Guysborough Co in 1930.


§  Douglas Gerald Saunders was born in Annapolis, NS in 1858, was a farmer all his life, and died single in Windsor, NS in 1940.


§  Anna Louisa Saunders was born in Annapolis in 1860.


§  Winburn Laurie Saunders, a farmer, was born in Annapolis County in 1862. He married Mary Bockman in 1891 in West Paradise and the couple proceeded to have two children. Winburn died in 1927.


·         John Winburn Saunders was born in 1891; he married Hattie O’Leary in 1920.

·         Florence Irene Saunders was born in 1901; she married Charles Phillips in Halifax in 1921.


§  Adeline Saunders was born in Paradise in 1864 and married Clement Barkhouse in Windsor, NS in 1893. Adeline died in Wolfville, NS in 1938 and Clement in Yarmouth, NS in 1937.


·         Florence Barkhouse was born in Windsor, NS and married Stanley Williams in Halifax in 1920.


§  Samuel L Saunders was born in Annapolis County in 1867.


§  Florence Hardie Saunders was born in Paradise, NS in 1871; she died, single, in Kentville, NS in 1945.


o   Gilbert W Saunders:            Gilbert was born c1829. He married Seraphina Morse in Paradise, NS in 1859 and the couple had four children. Gilbert died in 1867, Seraphina in 1868.


§  William Havelock Saunders was born in Paradise, NS in 1859.


§  Ralph Manning Saunders was born in Paradise in 1862.


§  Ella Irene Saunders was born in Paradise in 1864.


§  Jennie Myrtle Saunders was born in Paradise in 1865.


o   Sarah Saunders:              Sarah Married the Reverend Walter Gaucher.


o   Stephen Saunders:           Stephen married Annie Allen.


o   Eleanor Saunders:            Eleanor married William Patten.


o   Ada B Saunders:               Ada died in 1860.


o   Edmund B Saunders:          Edmund B, a currier and farmer, married Charlotte Johnson in Aylesford, in 1872.



The Ambrose Poole Family:

·         Ambrose Poole was born in NS in 1805 and died in Annapolis County in 1885. Calnek notes in his History of Annapolis County that Ambrose married Harriet Chipman Morse but a marriage date is not yet available. Harriet was born in Paradise in 1809 and died in Indianapolis, IN, where she had moved in 1887. She was buried in Indianapolis’ Crown Hill Cemetery.  Ambrose and Harriet appear to have had one child, a son Adoniram Judson.  


o   Adoniram Judson Poole:       Adoniram was born in West Paradise, NS in 1833. In 1854 he is reported to have taught school in Port Lorne on the Fundy shore. He immigrated to Indianapolis, IN c1854 where he worked as a railway engineer. In 1854 he married Anna Pierson in Indianapolis.  The couple had three children; Anna died in Indianapolis, IN, in 1864. Adoniram married second Mariana Landis in 1864, the couple had one child, and divorced before 1870. In 1870 Adoniram married Emily Meredith in Indianapolis.  Adoniram died in Indianapolis in 1897; Emily, born in England in 1839, died in Indianapolis in 1926. Andoniram’s children are summarized as follows:


§  Anna Poole was born in Indianapolis, IN, c1857. As a child she spent a short time living with her grandparents in Nova Scotia.  In 1880 Anna appeared to be working as a domestic in Indianapolis. In 1883 she married Fred McGahan in Indianapolis. She died in California in 1921. The couple had one daughter:


·         Vi McGahan apparently lived and worked in Los Angeles; she is recorded to have married a Mr. Walker.


§  Franklin Judson Poole was born in Indianapolis, IN, in 1859. As a child and along with his older sister, he was sent to live with his grandparents in Nova Scotia. The 1881 census shows him as a 22 year old living with his grandfather in Carleton Corner, Annapolis County. In 1889 as a 31 year old Frank married 18 year old Floretta Bockman in West Paradise, NS. Franklin died in Annapolis County in 1933; Floretta in 1953. The couple had five children:


·         Eugene Atwood Poole was born in West Paradise, NS, in 1890. He died of pulmonary TB in West Paradise in 1937.

·         Clifford Vernon Poole was born in Annapolis County in 1892. He died in Annapolis County in 1907, reportedly from a knee infection.

·         Vera Mildred Poole was born in Annapolis Co in 1895. She married a Chester Wenman. Vera died in the US in 1951.

·         Ida May Poole was born in West Paradise, NS, in 1898; she died in 1996 in Antigonish, NS. She is reported to have married a Charles Widden.

·         Leila Bernice Poole was born West Paradise, NS, in 1900. She married Robert Bent in Paradise, NS, in 1920; she married James Outhouse before 1976. Robert died in 1964 in Middleton, NS, Leila died in 1992 in Bridgetown, NS. The Bents are reported to have had 8 children.

·         Reta Poole was born in NS in Dec of 1907.


§  Harriet Chipman Poole was born in Indianapolis, IN in 1860. She is reported to have died in St. Louis, MO in 1914. She married Robert Machett Jr in Indianapolis in 1883. The couple had four children as follows:


·         Margaret R Machett was born in Indianapolis, IN, about 1885. She married Raymond White in Indianapolis in 1916; she married James Defoe in 1917. Margaret died in Stevens Co, WA in 1946.

·         Florence Estelle Machett was born in Indianapolis, IN, in 1888. She married Charles Long in Enon, Montineau Co, MO in 1903. The Longs had nine children, eight of whom were born in Enon, MO, and one who was born in Kansas City, MO, over the period 1905 to 1928.

·         George Judson Machett was born in Brightwood, IN in 1889; he died in Cook Co, IL in 1933. He married Elspeth ??? from Cook Co, IL; she was born in 1891 and died in the same county in 1956. The George Machetts are reported to have had five children.  

·         Lucile Ela Machett was born in Enon, MO in 1894 and died in Los Angeles in 1962. She married Robert Bottlier of Los Angeles. 


§  Ida Poole, the daughter of Marianna Landis Poole, was born in Indiana in 1866; she died about 1950. She married Oscar Needham and they had one child.


·         Robert J Needham was born in 1890 in Ohio; he died in Kittering, OH. He was the father of six children.


§  Charles Wilmott Poole was the son of Emily Meredith Poole, and was born in 1871, probably in Indianapolis; he died in Indianapolis in 1897 at 26 years.


§  Mary Huntington Poole, daughter of Emily Meredith Poole, was born in Indianapolis in 1874; she died in 1961 in San Bernardino, CA. Mary studied medicine at Indiana Medical School; she married Alfred Olsen, also an MD. The couple was married in 1902 in England where Alfred practiced medicine until 1917 when they returned to the US. In the US Alfred practiced in Indianapolis, IN, Battle Creek, MI, and Hinsdale, IL. The couple retired to California. Alfred died in San Bernardino, CA in 1950. The Olsen couple had four children:


·         Clarence Wilmott Olsen was born in Indianapolis, IN in 1903; he died in Loma Linda, CA in 1983. He married Ruth Giniesse in Battle Creek, MI in 1929. Like his parents Clarence, too, was a medical doctor and he initially practiced in the same sanatorium in Battle Creek, MI in which his mother had practiced at the turn of the century. He migrated to California and had a private practice in Beverly Hills, CA. The Olsens had two children.

·         Richard Ellsworth Olsen was born in England in 1906; he died in Mio Oscoda, MI in 1999. He married Carol Burns and the couple had five children. Richard appears to have also followed the medical persuasion and practiced as a coroner for some period of time.  

·         Humphrey Andrew Olsen was born in England in 1909; he died in Williamsburg, KY in 1991. He married Grace Elliot and the couple was reported to have had one daughter.

·         Gertrude Emily Olsen was born in England in 1910; she died in Ulen, MN in 1997. She married Arthur Saxman in Indiana in 1940 and the couple retreated to a rural Minnesota lifestyle. Arthur was born in Jay, IN, in 1923; he died in Ulen, MN, in 1983. The couple had one son.


§  Richard Ambrose Poole  


§  Major Meridith Poole was born in Indianapolis, IN, in 1881; he died in the same community in 1946. He married Bertille LaFlamme  in Indainapolis in 1905. Bertille, of good French Canadian stock, was born in Oil City, PA in 1881; she died in New Castle, IN, in 1969. Major and Bertille had one son.


·         George Meridith Poole, a metallurgist, was born in 1908 in Indianapolis, IN and died in New Castle, IN in 1994. He married Frances Bryan in Greencastle, IN in 1933. The couple had two daughters.



The John “Wesley” Poole Family:


·         Wesley Poole was born in Annapolis Co in 1809. He married Sarah Sproul in 1829 and died in 1842 at a relatively young 33 years. His wife Sarah was born in Paradise, NS, in 1804. The couple had six children as follows:

o   William Edward Poole:           William Edward was born in Annapolis Co, NS, c1827. He was employed as a mail courier. He married a Susanna, born c1829, whose last name is not yet known. The couple had five children as follows:


§  Annie M Poole was born in Annapolis Co, NS in 1849; she married William McLean in Bridgetown, NS in 1872; William was born in New Glasgow c1851 and was employed as a moulder.


·         Helen McLean was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1873 and married James McKenzie c1896.

·         George McLean was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1875.

·         Angus McLean was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1877.

·         Minnie McLean was born in Annapolis Co in 1880.


§  William Avard Poole married Anzonetta Chute in 1876. William, a farmer, was born in Bridgetown, NS c1853; Anzonetta was born in NS c1853 and died in Bridgetown at a relatively young 34 years. He subsequently married Mary Flint.


·         Thomas  Poole appears to have died young and is buried in the same plot as his mother in the Chute cemetery in Bridgetown, NS. 


§  Louisa Maria Poole  was born in Paradise, NS c1854, she married William McAdams in Bridgetown, NS in 1867. William McAdams was born in Liverpool, England c1853 and was occupied as a moulder in the Annapolis Valley area.


§  James O Poole was born in NS c1856. He married Jessie McLean, born in PEI c1853, in Winchester, MA, in 1884. At the time of marriage James was working as a teamster.


§  Charles Rupert Poole was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1868. Like his father he was employed as a mail driver/express man. He married Mary Messenger in Annapolis, NS, in 1892; he married Cora Shaw in Middleton, NS, in 1902. Charles died in Bridgetown in 1918. Cora and Charles had three children:


·         Harry Edward Poole was born in 1901. A trucker, he married 22 year old dressmaker Hattie Senior of Newfoundland in Halifax in 1922.   

·         Eugene Elwood Poole was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1903. In 1925 he married 19 year old Edith Tipert in New Germany, NS. Eugene died in New Germany, NS in 1985. The couple had five children.

·         Stanley Shaw Poole was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1905. He married Ella Buckler in Bear River, NS in 1928. The couple is known to have had three children.

·         Benjamin J Poole was born in Bridgetown, NS in 1906.



o   Israel Poole:                Israel was born in Paradise, NS, in 1833. In 1867 he married 30 year old Susan Messenger in Port Williams, Annapolis Co, NS. It is believed that Israel, a farmer, died in St. Croix Cove, Annapolis Co, in 1912; his wife Susan died in the same community in 1924. Israel and Susan had seven children as follows:


§  Eliza Bernice Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1868.


§  Charles B Poole was born in Annapolis Co, NS, likely in St. Croix Cove, c1870. In 1900 he married 29 year old Annie Freeman in Salem, MA.


·         Ethel M Poole was born in Norton, MA in 1900

·         Gladys M Poole was born in Salem, MA in 1902

·         Charles F Poole was born in Salem, MA in 1904

·         Annie F Poole was born in Salem, MA in 1908


§  Minnie Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1872. She married 34 year old seaman Silas Beardsley in St. Croix Cove in 1901. Minnie died in 1949.


·         Alice Beardsley was born in Port Lorne, NS in 1902. She married musician Lewis Landers in Kingston, NS in 1929.


§  Alton Herbert Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1874. He married Cecelia Kroen in Salem, MA in 1897.


·         Celia Poole was born in Salem, MA in 1899

·         Wendell Pool, an electrician, was born in 1901, likely in Massachusetts. He married in Massachusetts in 1923 and died in Danvers, MA in 1979. He had one child, a daughter.

·         Doris Poole was born in Peabody, MA in 1905.

·         Mary Poole was born in Massachusetts in 1907.

·         Elizabeth Poole was born in Peabody, MA in 1908 and died in the same community the following year.

·         Wolfred Henlug, born in Massachusetts in 1916, was the adopted son of Alton and Cecelia.


§  Bradford Frederick Poole, farmer, was born in St. Croix Cove in 1876. In 1898 he married 20 year old Effie Chute in Annapolis, NS.


·         Leta Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1898. She married Joseph Phinney in 1921.

·         Vaughn Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1900. In 1921 he married Laura Titus in Port Lorne, NS, with whom he had three children; he married second Effie McPhail in Salem, NH in 1936. He died in Taftville, CT in 1936.

·         Kathlene Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1902. She married Harry Nickerson in Braintree, MA in 1923. The couple had three children. She died in Abington, MA in 1982.

·         Alice Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1904. She married Harold Palmer.

·         Elvin Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1906. He married Dorthy Neeley in Kingston, NS in 1929. The couple had nine children. Elvin died in NS in 1972.

·         Mildred Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1908; she died the following year in the same community.

·         Harvey Poole, a farmer, was born in St. Croix Cove in 1910. In 1934 he married Lillian Morris in Hampton, NS; the couple had one daughter. Harvey died in 1984.

·         Minnie Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1912. In 1931 she married Malcolm Healey in Bridgetown, NS.

·         Myrna Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1915. She married Mark Young in Bridgetown, NS in 1933. Myrna died in Bridgetown in 2008.

·         Lillian Poole

·         Carle Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in April, 1919 and died in the same month.


§  Frank Judson Poole was born in St. Croix Cove was 1879. Frank, a farmer, married 21 year old Mary Weir in Parker’s Cove, Annapolis Co, NS in 1918.


·         Gordon “Lester” Poole was born in 1919; he died in 1981.

·         Beatrice Poole married first a Mr. Beauchamp and second a Mr. White.

·         Alton “Manasseh” Poole married Valerie Barkhouse.

·         Howard Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1930. He died in Kentville, NS in 2009.

·         Alice Poole married a Mr. Deveau.

·         Harriett Poole married a Mr. Barkhouse.

·         Frank Poole married.

·         Esther Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1928. She married in 1948 and died in Middleton, NS in 2006. The couple had 10 children.

·         Ethel “Peggy” Poole married a Mr. Beauchamp.


§  Ethel Norris Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1883. She married 23 year old bookkeeper James Kinnear in St. Croix Cove in 1906.


o   Obediah Poole:         Obediah was born in Annapolis County circa 1836. He was a farmer and like other members of the extended family was also involved in mail delivery. In 1860 he married 19 year old Mary Dunn; Mary died in 1879 in Annapolis Co. In 1880 Obediah married Alice Humphreys, born in Paradise, NS, in 1847, in St. Croix Cove. Children of Obediah and Mary include:


§  Laliah Poole was born in Bridgetown, NS circa 1860. She married George Anthony  of Granville Tp in Bridgetown, NS in 1880.


·         Addie Jane Anthony was born in St. Croix Cove in 1890 and died in Calgary in 1951. In 1910 she married George Armstrong in Lower Granville, NS.


§  Emmeretta Poole was born in Annapolis Co in 1861. In 1871 she married 21 year old George Hudson of Phinney Cove, NS, in St. Croix Cove; in 1893 she married Henry Achilles in Port Lorne, NS; in 1901 she married Phineas Phinney in Granville Ferry, NS. Emmeretta died in St. Croix Cove in 1922. Emmeretta and George had seven children as follows:


·         Alberta Millicent Hudson was born in 1880 and died before 1920.

·         Lillian Gertrude Hudson was born in 1881 and died in 1894.

·         Everette Mortimer Hudson was born in 1884 and died in 1962. He married Florence Williams in 1928 in Danvers, MA. The couple had three children.

·         George Watson Hudson was born in 1886 and died in 1931. He married Carrie Shaw in Lynn, MA in 1905; the couple had three children.

·         Mary Alice Hudson

·         Charles Fletcher Hudson was born in 1890 and died in 1891.

·         Clara Ophalia Hudson was born in 1883 and died in 1972. Clara married Maurice Condon in Granville in 1904.


§  Ada H Poole was born circa 1863 in St. Croix Cove and married 24 year old shoemaker John Titus in 1883 in the same community.


·         Jasper Titus was born in Hampton, NS in 1884.


§  William Wesley Poole  was born in St. Croix Cove in 1867. In 1893 he married Effie Best in Lynn, MA;  in 1911 he married 24 year old Myrtle Lockerbie in Malden, MA. William and Effie had three children:


·         Clyde Poole was born in MA in 1897. He had three children.

·         Kenneth Poole was born in Malden, MA in 1899.

·         Edith Poole was born in Malden, MA in 1903.


§  Sarah J Poole was born in Annapolis Co circa 1865; she died at 17 in Annapolis Co in 1882.


§  Charles Handley Poole was born in St Croix Cove circa 1869; a farmer, Charles died in Granville Tp in 1919. He married Elnora Wentzel, she died in 1946. The couple had three sons:


·         Earl Poole was born in Saugus, MA in 1895. A farmer, he married Florence Bent in Bridgetown, NS in 1916. Earl died in Bridgetown in 1974.

·         Wyley Poole was born in Upper Granville in 1900; he died in hospital in Halifax in 1949. He married Frances Barkhouse in Westport, NS in 1929.

·         Carl Poole


§  Watson Dunn Poole was born in Granville, NS in 1872 and died in California in 1945. He married Ina Hall and the couple had one child.


·         Watson D Poole Jr was born in California in 1917 and died in that same state in 1980.


§  Maud Mohan Poole was born in St. Croix Cove in 1876; she married 29 year old mariner Henry Chute of Hampton, NS in 1889 in Port Lorne, NS. She died in Hampton, NS in 1909.


·         Mary Chute, a school teacher, was born in Hampton, NS in 1900; she married Casey Thorne in Annapolis Royal in 1921. The couple had three children.

·         Mark Chute was born in Hampton, NS in 1901 and died in Middleton, NS in 1979. He married Edith Pierce in Annapolis in 1939 and the couple had two children.

·         Achsah Chute was born in Hampton, NS in 1904 and married Donald Bent in Bridgetown, NS in 1924; the couple had nine children. Achsah died in Phinney Cove, NS.


o   Mary Ann Poole:      Mary Ann married James Brennan in Wilmot Tp in 1853.


o   Sarah Jane Poole:    Sarah was born in 1837 in Annapolis Co, NS; she died in 1875 in Annapolis Co. She married Peter Margeson  in 1853 and the couple had seven children.


§  Milton Margeson was born in Paradise, NS in 1855. He married Mary Collins in Westport, NS in 1879.


§  Charles Margeson was a blacksmith who was born in Canada in 1857; he married Canadian-born Mary Hovey who was born in 1855; the couple immigrated to Massachusetts in 1876.


·         Harold Margeson, a newspaper editor, was born in Massachusetts in 1885. He married Alma Wingate and had two children.

·         Phillip Margeson was born in Massachusetts in 1890. He married and had a son.

·         Rupert Margeson was born in Massachusetts in 1895.


§  Ida Margeson was born in Paradise, NS in 1862. She married David McLellan in Annapolis in 1882.


·         Grace McLellan was born c1882.

·         Bessie McLellan was born c1890.


§  James Margeson


§  Mary Margeson


§  George Margeson


§  Gertrude Margeson



o   Anna Harriet Poole:               


o   Harriet Sophia Pool:              Harriet was born in Annapolis County in May of 1842. She married Ezekiel Messenger c1862, likely in Annapolis County. Ezekiel was born in St. Croix, Annapolis County in 1838 or 1839. The couple immigrated to MA c1870 with their three oldest children; two additional children were born in MA. Ezekiel became a naturalized US citizen in 1888; he died in Saugus, MA in 1913. Harriet died in Saugus, MA in 1890.


§  James Messenger was born in NS in 1863 and immigrated to the US with his parents c1870. A house painter, James married Canadian Monica Tait, a nurse, in Boston in 1893. The couple appears to have separated by 1900 when James is found boarding with a family in Saugus, MA.


§  Lillian Messenger was born in Annapolis Co in 1866 and likewise immigrated to MA with her family c1870. In 1884 she became the second wife of Alvah Norris in Brookline, MA; the couple had four children. Lillian died in the Saugus area of MA in early 1902 at 35 years of age.


·         Thomas Norris was born in Winthrop, MA in 1886. In 1910 he was listed in the census as a 23 year old cavalryman living in his father’s household in Brookline, MA.

·         Frances Norris was born in Brookline, MA in 1888. In 1908 she married Robert Horton in Providence, RI. The couple is known to have had 3 boys followed by 2 girls in the period 1909-1918.

·         Alva Norris Jr was born in Saugus, MA in 1890. In 1910 he was listed in the census as a 20 year old cavalryman living in his father’s household in Brookline, MA.

·         Herbert Norris was born in Saugus, MA in 1896. He died in the same community in 1909 at 14 years as the result of an accidental skull fracture from a bowling ball.


§  Edward Messenger was born in Port Lorne, NS in 1868 and immigrated to MA with his family c1870. In 1891 in Boston he married Josephine Waldron who had been born in South Boston c1864. The couple had three children:


·         Thomas Messenger was born in Boston in 1891. By 1920 he, a electrician, and his wife Margaret had a family of four children.

·         Edward Messenger was born in Boston in 1894.

·         Francis “Frank” Messenger was born in Brookline, MA in 1896 and died in the same community in 1898 a few days short of his second birthday. 


§  Aaron [Orrin]Otto Messenger was born in MA in 1871. He married Mary ? c1892 and by 1900 was parent to two children. He was employed as a carriage blacksmith in Marblehead, MA in 1900 and by 1903 had moved to Lynn, MA where his occupation was stated as motorman.


·         Forest H Messenger was born in MA in 1892.

·         Lillie Messenger was born in MA in 1894.


§  Jane Messenger was born in Boston in 1872. She died of heart disease in her 14th year at Saugus, MA in 1892


The Mary Poole Family:

·         Initial information on Mary Poole was derived from the probate record of her father where she is acknowledged as daughter Mary Moore; the James W Poole family Bible gives the death of “Mayse” Moore, assumingly Mary, as Aug 29, 1858.  


·         Mary Poole was initially informally reported to have married one Jacob Moore, the son of William Moore, a loyalist who is reported to have originally settled in Round Hill in Annapolis County and subsequently in Freeport, Digby County. This informal report is confirmed in Mary’s son Almond’s marriage bond which lists his parents as Jacob Moore and Mary Poole.


·         William Moore is reported to have been recorded in The History of Freeport as follows "Wm. Moore was a loyalist soldier, wounded at Bunker Hill. He later migrated to Annapolis County and was granted land near Round Hill. Some time before 1805 he migrated to Grand Passage [now Freeport] and located on the south side of the cove. The children were James, John, Elizabeth, Nancy, Jacob, Mary, Louisa, Enoch, and William."


·         Circumstantial evidence connecting Mary Poole and Jacob Moore includes the i) the birth and early raising of both individuals in the central Annapolis Valley, ii) the strong likelihood that Asa Poole’s wife Elizabeth Moore was indeed Jacob Moore’s recorded sibling Elizabeth, and iii) the fact that one of Ambrose Poole’s daughters, Elizabeth or “Lizzy” was reported to have been born at Long Island (later Freeport).     


·         Until further discriminating information is forthcoming this file will assume that Jacob Moore’s wife Mary is the Mary Moore identified in John Poole’s probate file, and that Jacob Moore’s sister Elizabeth Moore is the Elizabeth Moore identified by Calnek as having married Mary Poole’s brother Asa Poole.


·         Jacob and Mary Moore are postulated to have had some seven children as follows: 


o   William Moore:         William Moore is recorded to have been born c1815 in NS; he was employed as a fisherman and described as a Yeoman and was living in Freeport, on Digby Neck. William married Mary Stevens. There is not as yet any definitive recorded connection between this William Moore and Jacob Moore, husband of Mary Poole.


§  Euphemia Moore was born in December of 1839, at Freeport, NS. She married Shippy Lent Junior as his second wife in Freeport in 1857 and the couple is recorded to have had six children. Shippy died in Michigan in 1876. She married Edward Denton in Freeport in 1877, and subsequently perhaps a Mr. Holcombe because her 1922 death record shows her as Euphemia Lent Holcombe.


·         Emma Lent was born c1859.

·         George Lent, a seaman, was born c1861. He married Mary Spring in Freeport in 1882.

·         Frank Shippy Lent, a mariner and later Freeport postmaster, was born in Freeport in 1862. He married Alice Titus in 1887 and the couple is reported to have had three children. Alice died in 1887, Frank in 1937.

·         DeLisle Lent was born c1867.

·         Frederick Lent was born in 1872 in Freeport; he was engaged as a minister for most of his adult life.

·         Mary Lent was born in 1875. She appears to have married a Mr. Couldy and died in 1899 at 24 years of age.


§  Charles Moore was born c1852 in NS.  


§   Adeline Moore was born in NS c1854. In 1873 she married first cousin George Teed in Freeport. The couple is known to have had four children as follows:


·         Charles Teed was born in Freeport in 1885. He married Fannie Haycock in Westport in 1900. The couple is known to have had 10 children. Charles died in Freeport in 1947

·         Adeline Teed was born in Freeport in 1877 where she married Loran Perry in 1901. She died in 1929 the mother of three children.

·         Alice Teed was born in 1881 and married Fred White in Freeport in 1909.

·         Marion Teed was born in Freeport in 1893 and married John Tinker in that same community in 1913.


§  Edward Moore, fisherman, was born in NS in 1856.


§  Willard Moore was born in 1856 in Long Island; he died in Yarmouth County in 1946. He is known to have had at least one child.


·         Charles Moore


o   Almond Moore:        Almond Moore, fisherman, was born c1822. He first married Susan Smith; Susan died in 1872; the couple had eight children. He married Celina Chute in 1884 in Bridgetown, NS. Almond and Celina had at least one child.


With Susan Smith:


§  Johiel Moore was b c1844 and was recorded as an iceman in 1871.


§   John Moore was born c1849 and was also employed as an iceman in 1871.


§  Hannah Moore was born at St. Mary’s Bay in 1850. She married Isaac Harnish in 1871 in Annapolis, NS. The Harnishes appear to have had three children.


·         Annie Harnish was born in Greywood, NS in November 1871

·         Anna Harnish was born in Greywood in December of 1872.

·         Susan Harnish was born in Greywood, NS in December of 1873.


§  Jacob Wesley Moore was born in Freeport, NS in 1851; he too was a fisherman. He married Mary Hersey in Freeport in 1880.


§  Charles Moore, fisherman, was born in Freeport in 1861, married Ida Powell in Freeport in 1882, and died in Freeport in 1925.


§  Harris Moore was born in Freeport, NS, c1863. In 1885 he married Edna Chute in Freeport.


§  Lottie Moore was born in Freeport c1865 and died in 1882 at 18 years. She is buried in Freeport, NS.


§  Mary Moore was born in Freeport, NS c1858. In 1875 she married Nathaniel Bates in Freeport, NS. The Bates had a set of twins born in Freeport in 1877.


·         Susie Bates born Freeport in 1877

·         Hattie Bates born in Freeport in 1877.

With Celina Chute:

§  Eva Moore born in Freeport in 1882; married in Bear River to William Vernon in 1912.


o   Sarah Elizabeth Moore:         Sarah Elizabeth was born in 1828. In 1843 she married Captain Samuel Teed in Digby, NS. Sarah died in Freeport, NS in 1890; Samuel in Freeport in 1904.


§  Julia Ann Teed was reported born in Digby, Co in 1844. She married Beny Campbell who was born 1838. Julia died in Digby Co in 1912, Benny in 1921; the couple is buried in Freeport’s Brookside Cemetery. 


§  Mary Angeline Teed was born in Freeport in 1846; she died in Westport, NS in 1910. Mary married Matthew Sheirs and together they had ten children.


·         Anna Sheirs was born in Lunenburg, NS in 1866; she married a Mr. Smith.

·         Edward Sheirs was born in 1868

·         James Sheirs was born in 1869.

·         George Sheirs was born in 1876.

·         Matthew Sheirs was born in 1876.

·         Grace Sheirs was born in 1878.

·         John Sheirs was born in 1879.

·         Howard Sheirs was born in 1882.

·         Clarence Sheirs was born in 1882.

·         Forrest Sheirs was born in 1885.


§  Osmond Burpee Teed was born in 1855 and died in 1881. He married Sadie Dickenson. The Teeds had three children:


·         Alfred Teed

·         Frederick Teed

·         Gertrude Teed was born in Digby Co in 1873; she died in NS in 1921.


§  George Fielding Teed was born and died in Digby Co, 1851-1937. George married Adeline Moore, daughter of William Moore and Mary Stevens and his first cousin.


·         Captain Charles Roland Teed was born in Freeport in 1875. He married Fannie Haycock in Westport in 1900. The couple is known to have had 10 children. Charles died in Freeport in 1947.

·         Adeline Teed was born in Freeport in 1877 where she married Loran Perry in 1901. She died in 1929, the mother of three children.

·         Alice Teed was born in 1881 and married Fred White in Freeport in 1909.

·         Marion Teed was born in Freeport in 1893 and married John Tinker in that same community in 1913.


§  Franklin H Teed is reported to have been born in Digby Co in 1854; he died in 1940.


§  Charles Teed is reported to have been born in Digby Co in 1857.  


§  Eusebia Celeste Teed was born in Freeport in 1856; she died in Red Deer, AB in 1952. She married George Stevens and together the couple had six children.


·         Harold Stevens was born in NS in 1882.

·         Iva Stevens was born in NS in 1884.

·         Maud Stevens was born in NS in 1889.

·         Verna Stevens was born in NS in 1892.

·         Genevieve Stevens was born in NS in 1896.

·         Sarah Stevens was born in NS in 1899.


§  Augusta Teed was born in 1859 in Digby Co.


§  Samuel H Teed was born in 1864. He died at 19 when he was lost at sea off Indonesia.


§ Howard Melbourne Teed was born in Digby Co in 1867. In 1897 he captained the Abbie M Deering on a voyage to the Klondike from Brier Island via Cape Horn. The village of Deering, Alaska is named after the ship. Howard died in Seattle, WA in 1928.


§  Gertrude L Teed was born in 1874 in Digby Co; she died in 1912.


o   William “Henry” Moore:        A direct familial connection between Jacob and Henry Moore is yet to be discovered; however, there are a series of circumstances that suggest the relationship is reasonable.  Henry was born in Freeport in late 1829; he died in Tiverton, NS in 1912. In 1863 33-year old Henry married 29 year old Sophronia Brown in Westport; she died in Westport in 1915. The couple had five children.


§  James Almond Moore was born in Long Island c1860 and spent the early part of his life as a fisherman. He died in Westport in 1925. In 1883 he married Sarah Bates in Westport, NS; the couple had three children:


·         Frederick Moore, born in Westport in 1892, was a ship’s captain; he died in Westport in 1988. He married Annie Morehouse.

·         William Henry Moore was a Westport fisherman who was born in 1890. He married Mable Gower in 1914.

·         Albert Moore was likewise a sea captain who was born in Westport in 1897; he married Inez Stevens in 1922.


§  Anna Moore was born in Long Island in 1866; she died in Tiverton in 1947. In 1886 Anna married Israel Outhouse; the couple had four children.


·         George Outhouse was born in 1887 in Tiverton and married Myrtle Walker in the same community in 1918.

·         Earl Outhouse was born in Tiverton in 1894. He married Doris Webb in Tiverton in 1921.

·         Harriet Outhouse was born in Tiverton in 1900; she married Llewellyn DeLaney in Freeport in late 1920.

·         Gillman Outhouse was born in NS in 1902.


§  Leonard Moore , a fisherman, was born in Westport in 1869. He died in Digby in 1958. In 1918 at 49 he married widow Augusta Tidd in Little River, NS; Augusta died in 1940 in Centreville, Digby Co, NS.


§  Jessie Moore was born in 1871 in Central Grove, Digby Co, NS, married William Powell in the same community in 1893 where she died in 1958. The Powells had three daughters:


·         Leattie Powell was born 1894 in Digby Co and married John Pyne in Little River, Digby Co, in 1914.

·         Gladys Powell was born in Digby Co 1896.

·         Hilda Powell was born in Digby Co in 1899.


§  Henry Moore was born in Digby Co in 1866; he died in Central Grove in 1878 at 10 years of age.


o   Dorcas S Moore:       Dorcas Moore was born about 1832. She married Samuel Powell at Long Island in 1855. The couple is reported to have had seven children.


§  Melissa Powell was born c1857. In 1876 she married Joseph Stevens in Freeport, NS


§  Laleah Powell was born c1858. She married William Pugh in Westport, NS in 1879.


§  Clara Powell was born c1861. In 1880 she married James Titus at Long Island.


§  Ida Powell was born in Central Grove, NS, in 1864. In 1882 she married Charles Randall Moore, son of Almond Moore and a first cousin, in Freeport, NS. The couple is reported to have had eight children. Ida died in Freeport in 1942.


·         James Moore was born c1915

·         Edna Moore

·         William Moore

·         Arthur Moore

·         Robert Moore

·         Marge Moore

·         Ivy Moore

·         Glenn Moore


§  Anna Powell was born c1865.


§  Minnie Powell was born in Long Island in 1868.


§  Samuel Powell, a fisherman, was born in Freeport c1874. He married Alena Prime in Freeport in 1899 and the couple is known to have had at least three children. Samuel died in 1925 and Alena in 1965; both are buried in Freeport, NS.


·         Dorcas Alena Powell was born in Freeport in 1903. She married John Jeffery in Yarmouth in 1930.

·         Doris Helena Powell, a twin to Dorcas, was born in Freeport in 1903. She married a Mr. Doane.

·         Edison Powell was born in 1905. He died in 1925 and is buried in Freeport, NS.


o   Asaph Ambrose  Moore:       Asaph Moore, fisherman, was born in NS c1837. In 1858 he married Mary Mullin in Weymouth, NS.


§  John Moore was born in NS in 1860.


§  Arthur Moore, fisherman, born in NS in 1861; he married Amanda Hersey. Arthur died in Freeport in 1930.


·         Edwin Moore, fisherman was born in Freeport in 1886 and married Hattie Langthorn in 1913. He died in Freeport in 1951.


§  George Moore was born in Long Island, NS [Freeport] in 1866; he died in Freeport, NS in 1869.


§  Estella Moore was born in Freeport in 1869; she died in Freeport in 1873.


§  Ada Moore was born in Freeport in 1873; she died in the same community in 1893.


§  Frank Moore was born in Freeport in 1875 and died in Freeport in 1947. He married Alma Coggins in Westport in 1900.


·         Daisy Alberta Moore was born in Westport, NS in 1902 and Married James Bates in Westport in 1924.


§  Fannie Moore was born in Freeport c1879. In 1897 she married William McDormand in Freeport. The couple had four children as follows:


·         William McDormand born in Westport, NS in 1901.

·         Adelia McDormand born in Westport, NS in 1903.

·         Ada McDormand born in Westport, NS in 1908; she married Percy Walsh in Westport in 1927.

·         Mildred McDormand born in Westport, NS in 19011; she married Franklin Buckman in Westport in 1933.


o   Charles Wesley Moore:          Charles Wesley Moore, mariner/fisherman, was born in NS in 1841. He married Emily Stevens in Freeport in 1868. He drowned off Freeport’s Dartmouth Cove in 1872.


§  Lizzie Moore was born in Freeport in 1869. She married Woodbury Rushton in Oxford, NS in 1889.


·         Oscar Rushton was born in 1892.

·         Lydia Pearl Rushton was born in 1896.

·         Lorne Rushton was born in 1902.

·         Sherman Rushton was born in 1904; he died via electrocution in 1918.


§  Bessie Moore was born in Freeport in 1872.




Updated 02.09.14